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  1. elackner

    SIPTV Technical Support and Questions

    Since the last one or two updates the sound volume are very bad. Before i had the volume by 20 and now i need >80 to understand any word. 2.Many freezer or repeating exp. running then stopp then repeat the last 20sec. for 2-3times then running normal. This issue is just by this app. Any one...
  2. elackner

    Samsung SIPTV Technical Questions

    Check the MAC-Address and upload the list over the siptv.app website again.
  3. elackner

    Reseller Discussions and Technical Issues

    Login to your dashboard, in lower right corner you will see a headphone. Clikck there
  4. elackner

    Best platform for managing subscribers.

    You dont need an other platform. All what you need you get from here. As Reseller you have a Dashboard to manage your clients. Our system send automatically reminder emails and so on.
  5. elackner

    MAG Portal URL Not Working

    You see what i write, sorry, thanks
  6. elackner

    MAG Portal URL Not Working

    Here the same. I change to the secure unique Portal. Now all clients complaints that not working.
  7. elackner

    Client Dashboard

    Contact your Reseller and request that he assign your line to a dashboard or ask for the m3u link If he not answer, send a ticket to the support
  8. elackner

    Client Dashboard

    You dont get your own dashboard? There you can login and download all kind of formats. For VLC you need the m3u file/link
  9. elackner

    No EPG

    How use the EPG? From where take the EPG as xml? I dont found any information in the forum. Thanks in advance
  10. elackner

    New Section 24/7

    ... the same movie?
  11. elackner

    New Section 24/7

    Anybody know for what is it.
  12. elackner

    Xtream Editor sync issue

    I have a problem with the Xtream Editor (XEEV) Since the update and change the VODs i have zero VOD (in the Template and all Lines) Sync with the server not helping, after sync stay again by zero Anyone with the same problem or have an idea
  13. elackner

    German channel sorting

    @arthurlycee go in your dashboard to Options - "Bouquet List" and uncheck all unwanted.
  14. elackner

    No VODs

    All VODs Sections are unavailabel. Not one work.
  15. elackner

    Info for customer from Switzerland

    @Blacky75 Try to change the DNS on your Device. I know form two customers thats work after change the DNS Click on the link from marjio (second Post)
  16. elackner

    Info for customer from Switzerland

    The Provider Swisscom block our Service. I get from few customers the information that Swisscom block our IPTV. I use the DNS viptv.xdns.pro Swisscom say thats a "malicious site" I dont know its only for xdns.pro or all DNS
  17. elackner

    All Sky Sports F1 UK channels have bad picture quality

    Is very sad, that no one solve this. Customer contact me and say the same, Sky Sports F1 UK HD and FHD have a picture quality less then SD. Please change the source, min. to HD resolution
  18. elackner

    VPN on VU+

    Hi At fist, the Support allowed me to use VPN. I open an account by Torguard with a dedicated IP (Streaming IP) i install OpenVPN on my STB VU+ i configure and all works fine, the Box connected. When i check the IP the box show me correct the new IP address from Germany But the channels not...
  19. elackner

    Server down?

    All Lines from my customer not working. Since hours i get emails thats work nothing. I test many line with VLC and not working. Its not only the SmartIPTV App Whats happen that all togheter stop working, f*king bullshit
  20. elackner

    Server down?

    sorry but this is not noramly, 80% of my customer and my self have this Problem. No Channels. Customer they use Xtream Editor get the message, your line are expired. And now you tell me that i must change all passwords. This is a joke