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  1. L

    NPO 1, NPO 2, NPO 3 ETC DUTCH channels stutter

    Don't take it personal. If Rapid does not want to provide an acceptable service for the Dutch language group just switch. I got zero feedback on my multiple request for help, as probably your words don't make much difference as well. And as i need to renew soon as well, open for any suggestions...
  2. L

    NPO 1, NPO 2, NPO 3 ETC DUTCH channels stutter

    I will vote with my money and without emotion. Rapid you either have a choice to properly look into is and fix, or I switch to another provider. If you cannot be bothered, would appreciate your honesty towards the Dutch on this forum including me, then we save each other a lot of time : j Have a...
  3. L

    NPO 1, NPO 2, NPO 3 ETC DUTCH channels stutter

    Thanks for posting us in the right direction. I have posted one of those channels and still need to get a reply. also the reporting function does not allow for a small commentary like “stutter/freeze” or “especially an issue during evening hours”. hope that is ok for whoever is looking into...
  4. L

    NPO 1, NPO 2, NPO 3 ETC DUTCH channels stutter

    Still have this stuttering right now on NPO 1 FHD NL
  5. L

    Better Smart TV or Formuler on LG?

    Thanks Talush! I dont need a VPN, would that make any difference? Or you are still preferring the Z8 because of ... ?
  6. L

    Better Smart TV or Formuler on LG?

    Thinking of buying a LG CX Oled... What do LG owners prefer, SmartTV app or just watch over a box like Formuler Z8, as have one lying around? Thanks
  7. L

    IPTV Trial

    Formuler Z8 Country: Switzerland