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  1. jed2002

    Infomir MAG blocking

    There is no infomir block on rapid at the moment. IF a block happen it won't be a black screen! it will be a message when you launch your box that infomir doesn't allow you to connect due to copyrights and you have to contact your iptv reseller about it.
  2. jed2002

    Infomir MAG blocking

    Hello, the other provider your talking about found after a few hours some measure like you talked about (put an old image of firmware) and work perfectly, then 20h later web-link + dns, work perfectly as well. And from now one even without touching anything most mag are working fine, they did...
  3. jed2002

    MAG: Technical Issues

    Hello guys, Has anyone experiences the Mag 349? never seen any topics about it, is it compatible? Thanks for all infos