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  1. A

    App tip for Android ** XCIPTV **

    Good questions, I use the exoplayer and it works great for me, the streaming format has not been an issue for me, but here is a link to an explanation https://iptv.community/threads/mpegts-or-hls.13264/
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    App tip for Android ** XCIPTV **

    This is by far the best most user-friendly app out there, great new update and will try all the new stuff at once.
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    Very good Android Box?

    eBay, a Xiaomi mi TV box or apparently a firestick (never tried it myself but should be good) remember a bad box gives a bad experience so tell your friend to spend 49 EUR on a box
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    Very good Android Box?

    I have tried a lot of boxes, some very cheap and others more expensive.. The best box i have is Nvidia shield, its fast and dont overheat! There is plenty of cheap boxes on ebay/amazon, any box with 4gb ram works, but every single brand i tried has overheated, its like they are so small and...
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    App tip for Android ** XCIPTV **

    I use this player as my preferred mediaplayer, it is outstanding atleast on a nvidia player! The only thing i wiash you could steal from smarter is the sorting of movies where i can have latest added movies in each segment. Recently added is okey, but if your kids is looking and porno shows up...
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    App tip for Android ** XCIPTV **

    On Nvidia shield I just press the up/down button on the circle to zap, works great.
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    App tip for Android ** XCIPTV **

    Hi, Start to extract your URL, username and password from your m3u. For example: http://tv.xyz.com/get.php?username=frt45gtrd&password=gtu5558&type=m3u_plus&output=ts Please note that your details will be different, but in this case URL: http://tv.xyz.com (take the URL in the m3u until /get...
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    IPTV Smarters Setup

    Try to download xciptv from PlayStore, the user interface is as easy as smarters and integrated EPG
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    IPTV Smarters Setup

    Great news, personally I changed to xciptv player, works great and the user interface is easy
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    App tip for Android ** XCIPTV **

    Had problems with IPTV smarters and tried this as a alternative. After trying the player on my Nvidia shield for 24 hours I have to say that it is a brilliant player. I had some buffering issues, changed to HLS and it solved everything. Very happy and will not change back to smarters, thank...
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    App tip for Android ** XCIPTV **

    Works great now, thank you:)
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    App tip for Android ** XCIPTV **

    I get login failed with xtream codes, exactly like with smarters, is others having the same issues? The m3u work, but everything is so much easier with xtream
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    IPTV Smarters Setup

    I agree and have tried va number of setups without luck, I think you or I need to email smarters directly since this not is a problem from rapid but the player.
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    IPTV Smarters Setup

    Tried it and don't work, to bad since IPTV smarters has been my favourite player, outstanding in design.
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    IPTV Smarters Setup

    Thanks, will try that
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    IPTV Smarters Setup

    Hi, IPTV smarters has stopped working with xtream codes API, it works with m3u URL in playlist but it's not categorised..
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    IPTV Smarters Pro

    To clear the cache on an Android device, you'll need to go to the Settings, choose Apps, select IPTV smarters from the list of installed apps and choose Clear Cache option. Then choose clear data. You might have to enter your username and password again after this.
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    IPTV Smarters Pro

    I have the movie posters on IPTV smarters, try to clean your cashe and look again.
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    IPTV Smarters Setup

    can you try it on your smartphone (download the app and enter the code) to see if it works there
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    IPTV Smarters Setup

    exaxtly how does it not work?