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  1. D

    New to IPTV: is there a difference betw a standard Box and the pricier ones ?

    Thanks. Say, I've read quite a few reviews on Amazon about the 4K Fire Stick and lots of people are complaining about the usual things (unstable picture, hacked up connection...). Is there a way to know for sure what I'm going to get will simply work smoothly at under 100€ ?
  2. D

    New to IPTV: is there a difference betw a standard Box and the pricier ones ?

    Thanks for the reply. I'm having a look right now. Just: what do you mean "nearly all IPTV apps" ? How many are there ? I thought it would just be one app with all the channels ?...
  3. D

    New to IPTV: is there a difference betw a standard Box and the pricier ones ?

    Hi forum. I'm about to acquire a box. I'm looking at the options on Amazon and reading the comments. I'm tempting to get one of those X96 boxes, but lots of people have complained about the connection bandwidth being poor. Also, stopped working after about 8 months. I've got fiber optic and I'm...