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A huge "thank you" for the Moderators


Skilled & Verified Reseller - Eng - Ger - ExYu
Apr 4, 2018
Reseller ID
Although I know that many of us are already taking the time to thank our beloved Admins & Moderators, they still don't get anywhere near the amount of recognition that they continuously earn day after day. It's a hard job keeping an entire website, especially one so special like iptv commnunity, smoothly.

I just want to show my appreciation to the moderators on the forums. Though I may disagree sometimes, they are always very professional and polite in their responses. I have never seen anyone of them ever lose their patience or give a condescending reply.

So please, join me now in telling them how thankful we are for all the time and energy that they invest.

Keep up the good work! Thank you..... :)
