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Adding Multi-Audio (VOD) content. Your opinion is needed.

Do you wish to see movies and series being added with Multi-Audio in the future?

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IPStreamz (app with a red P logo) on Samsung TV is the only app at this moment i came across which supports changing all available Audio and Subtitles. Can't understand why other developers for these apps don't implent such features while there is the possibility for it. It's a shame..
on siptv and namimid you can also change audio and subtiel on Samsung tv

on nanomid you can even change the image format
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True but SIPTV shows only the first 8 subtitles and audio or am i wrong?

on siptv and namimid you can also change audio and subtiel on Samsung tv

on nanomid you can even change the image format
Hi all
Will there be a category for films and series with multi audio?

can't find any series or movies with multi audio at the moment
Hi all
Will there be a category for films and series with multi audio?

can't find any series or movies with multi audio at the moment
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Hello Peeps,
As most of you know, we have a multi-subs group for movies/series. Multi-subs content includes subtitles for a wide number of languages.
However, adding multi-audio content is being considered and i first wanted to have some opinions of resellers and users here on the forum before a decision is being made.
What will happen is that new movies and series from major services like Amazon and Netflix will be added with multiple audio files. That way, you will be able to watch a movie or serie with audio spoken in your own language. You don't have to worry about the subtitles as these will also be included.
Feel free to respond and share your opinion.
UPDATE: Multi-Audio started rolling out https://iptv.community/threads/vod-multi-audio-started-rolling-out.17698/
*Feature for changing the audio on video content works if your app or player supports it.
@FiyiK , in my humble opinion, the multi audio releases are polluting the main groups, because the multi audio releases I see appearing, don't have multi channel audio and are not FHD (1080p).

For example, the multi audio releases in the Multi-subs groups I see added now, some are even SD and it has been a long long time ago, that you guys added low quality releases in the multi subs group.

So to me, I would rather have seen, that you had put the multi audio releases in a separate group, because so far, they all have been low quality (SD/HD and stereo only)....
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@Montoya Thanks for the feedback mate, we keep doing it better thanks to strong build feedbacks like this. All your concerns are explainable. Keep in mind that Multi-Audio is in it's early stage, it will high likely evolve in to better quality and grouping in the near future.

Movies: There is no need to add a seperate group for Multi Audio and Subs because within the movies group, everyone is able to see the movies name, year and format (multi-audio or subs only). Referring to [Multi-Subs] & [Multi-Audio]. So mixing both in to one group is not bad, having to many separated groups is also not worth it as it can be confusing for people. For Example, if we add one Netflix movie to group NETFLIX and one more movie to group NETFLIX 2, it would be confusing for people to find the movie they are searching for.

Series: I agree, we should have a separate group, for example we're currently adding Netflix Multi-Audio in group Netflix Series, but i hope we can make a change for that, currently planning on how to do it right. Till a decision is made, multi-audio series will be added to their corresponding group mixed with multi-subs series (so they are both mixed now). Nobody is able to see which series have Multi-Audio or Multi-Subs, that's the only con of this situation. Like i said, we will solve it in the near future and probably grouping them in a better way.

Quality: Each audio file increases the size of the video file, that is why we decided to start with 720p for testing purposes as 1080p together with all the audio is probably too big in size which will result in streaming issues for some people. For example, what we did before is adding movies in 1080p and tried to keep the size between 1GB/1.5GB. If i add 10 Audios to that movie, that movie becomes instantly 4/5GB in size. Which is too much for a movie with a length with approx. 90 min.

720p together with audios, we reduce the used server size and satisfy anyone using IPTV services with the guaranty of streaming content without any buffer or freezing issues. That was our first intention. That way we also don't need to duplicate movies for the Germans, Spanish, Turkish, Polish people. Some movies you mention which are not HD is because i took the movie directly from a new source, those movies are usually movies released 10/20 years ago, because the new source offer no better quality for those.

Last one thing to mention, i am planning to increase the video quality to 1080p for all movies, because i found a way to decrease the audio file sizes (stereo, medium quality). So no worries. You will see the change in the near future and Rapid will still be offering full quality to their clients. I will also stop adding the 540p quality movies. Those were added just to increase the content in it's early stage (for testing purposes). For series, we are in negotiation for separating the groups. All i ask is a bit patience.
Hopefully i cleared all your question marks and took your worries away.

Best regards
@FiyiK, thanks for explaining and going into the details, much appreciated :cool:

Can understand all reasons and that you are trying to find that sweet spot, that makes everyone happy on both sides (clients <> CDN)
All is work in progress I see, so no problem here having patience :)
@FiyiK , someone dumped some regular Multi-Audio movies, into the Cartoons Multi Subtitles group :rolleyes:

Please fix this for our youngest family members, who only have access to the Cartoon Multi Subtitles group, because now, they can watch horror movies like "The Purch Anarchy :eek:
@FiyiK , someone dumped some regular Multi-Audio movies, into the Cartoons Multi Subtitles group :rolleyes:

Please fix this for our youngest family members, who only have access to the Cartoon Multi Subtitles group, because now, they can watch horror movies like "The Purch Anarchy :eek:

That is not the way it should be. Thank you for the update mate, will fix it a.s.a.p.
Be sure to reload/refresh playlist regularly so it is disappeared once the changes has been passed through.
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