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Name of the channel: Movistar Hitchcock
Country :Spain
Kind of channel:
Link https://en.kingofsat.net/detail-mhitchcock.php

Name of the channel: Sky Cinema Fast & Furious
Country :Germany
Kind of channel: Cinema
Link https://en.kingofsat.net/detail-skycinemafastandfurious.php

Name of the channel: RTL Sportsbar 1
Country :Germany
Kind of channel: Sport
Link https://en.kingofsat.net/detail-rtlsportsbar1.php

Name of the channel: RTL Sportsbar 2
Country :Germany
Kind of channel: Sport
Link https://en.kingofsat.net/detail-rtlsportsbar2.php
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Reactions: Artan92
Name of channel: Rebels online
Country : Ireland
Kind of channel: Sport
lyngsat name: stream

Name of channel: Derry Gaa tv
Country : Ireland
Kind of channel: Sport
lyngsat name: stream

Name of channel: Tyrone Gaa tv
Country : Ireland
Kind of channel: Sport
lyngsat name: stream
  • Like
Reactions: meseista1967
Name of the channels: Big Brother 1 VIP Kos AL
Country: Albania
channel: reality show
Providers Artmotion Nimitv
Lyngsat does not broadcast on satellite

Name of the channels: Big Brother 2 VIP Kos AL
Country: Albania
channel: reality show
Providers Artmotion Nimitv
Lyngsat does not broadcast on satellite
Name of the Promi Big Brother 24/7
Country : Germany
Kind of channel: reality show
Provider Joyn+
here is the list for requested channels:

Folklorika Tv
Country: Slovakia
Lyngsat, Slovak Telekom
Thor5, 6,7 and intelsat 10-02

Nova Sport 6
Lyngsat, Slovak Telekom
Thor5, 6,7 and intelsat 10-02

History 2 Hd
Thor5, 6,7 and intelsat 10-02

Story 4 Czechia
Lyngsat, Astra 3C

AXN Black
Lyngsat, Astra 3C

AXB White
Country: Czechia
Lyngsat, Astra 3C

ID Investigation Discovery
Lyngsat, Antik
Eutelsat 16A

Warner Tv
Country: Czechia
Eutelsat 9B or Thor 7

Markiza +1 HD
Lyngsat, Antik

Joj +1 HD
Country: Slovakia
Lyngsat, Antik

Joj Cinema +1 HD
Lyngsat, Antik

Discovery Channel hd
Lyngsat Antik
Eutelsat 16A

Lyngsat, Antik
Eutelsat 16A,

Crime and investigation CZ
Lyngsat, Slovak Telekom,
Thor 5,6,7 and Intelsat 10-02

Travel Channel CZ
Lyngsat, Antik, Eutelsat 16A
  • Like
Reactions: nitram21
These important UK channels are missing from the channel list... Kindly add, with thanks.

Name of the channel: Virgin Media Four
Country : UK
Kind of channel: Entertainment
Lyngsat Link: Virgin Media Four - LyngSat

Name of the channel: That's TV 2
Country : UK
Kind of channel: Entertainment
Lyngsat Link: That's TV 2 - LyngSat

Name of the channel: PBS America
Country : UK
Kind of channel: Documentary
Lyngsat Link: PBS America - LyngSat
Name of the channel: DF1
Country :Germany
Kind of channel: sports entertainment documentary entertainment
Lyngsat Link https://www.lyngsat.com/tvchannels/de/DF1.html

Name of the channel: RTL UHD
Country :Germany
Kind of channel: sports entertainment documentary entertainment
Lyngsat https://www.lyngsat.com/tvchannels/de/RTL-UHD.html

Name of the channel: ProSieben SAT.1 UHD
Country :Germany
Kind of channel: sports entertainment documentary entertainment
Lyngsat https://www.lyngsat.com/tvchannels/de/ProSiebenSat-1-UHD.html

Name of the channel: Prime
Country :Albania
Kind of channel: sports entertainment documentary entertainment
Lyngsat does not broadcast on satellite
Provider ArtMotion IPKO

Name of the channel: Art Sport 6
Country :Albania
Kind of channel: sports
Lyngsat does not broadcast on satellite
Provider ArtMotion IPKO