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Name of the channel: EMTV
Country: Papua New Guinea
Kind of channel: TV
Lyngsat Link: https://www.lyngsat.com/tvchannels/pg/EM-TV.html

Name of the channel: TV WAN
Country: Papua New Guinea
Kind of channel: TV
Lyngsat Link: https://www.lyngsat.com/tvchannels/pg/TVWan.html

Name of the channel: TV WAN Action
Country: Papua New Guinea
Kind of channel: TV
Lyngsat Link: https://www.lyngsat.com/tvchannels/pg/TVWan-Action.html

Name of the channel: TV WAN +
Country: Papua New Guinea
Kind of channel: TV
Lyngsat Link: https://www.lyngsat.com/tvchannels/pg/TVWan--.html
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