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Heavy Buffering on Swedish Channels

I have experienced this problem with lagging and freezing more and more often. I think this issue ha been even worse the last couple of weeks or maybe months. I think the quality was a little bit better before. What is happening?
If you are experiencinga a lot of buffering try to use a good VPN and see if it's getting better.
Its not getting better with VPN. All my friends who has IPTV here expierence the exact same problem. Tonight its worse then worse. Its lagging all the time.
You need to change DNS Server settings... especially in Sweden, the ISP set throttling under dns servers!

Login to your Router menu and change the DNS from automatic to manual:
For IPv4:
For IPv6:
sometimes: if a hostname must be added, you can use cloudflare: 1dot1dot1dot1.cloudflare-dns.com
You need to change DNS Server settings... especially in Sweden, the ISP set throttling under dns servers!

Login to your Router menu and change the DNS from automatic to manual:
For IPv4:
For IPv6:
sometimes: if a hostname must be added, you can use cloudflare: 1dot1dot1dot1.cloudflare-dns.com
Thanks. Will try this.
You need to change DNS Server settings... especially in Sweden, the ISP set throttling under dns servers!

Login to your Router menu and change the DNS from automatic to manual:
For IPv4:
For IPv6:
sometimes: if a hostname must be added, you can use cloudflare: 1dot1dot1dot1.cloudflare-dns.com

Didnt help...
All Swedish channels have bit issues (not like regular buffering issues för me... Big squares showing up on every channel. Been so for arount a week for me and 4 more friends.
Can someone from rpid tell us whats going on? Tried differt isp, devices etc... not that.

Works great with us, english, german channels....
I can just agree, I experience a lot of issues with swedish channels as well. Not only a lot of buffering, but also EPG is not working well - both since ca. march this year. And now watching hockey matches is really no fun anymore. Lots of buffering every 5 to 20 seconds.
Router restared, formuler restarted, DNS changed and tried all of them, VPN makes no significant difference, but lags lags, lags.

But the saddest seems to be that no one really seems to care to fix the issue even though it's not a new issue.
This has been a great service for some years, but recently quality really dropped...
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Reactions: 80280 and Sleepyey
Can only agree!! The buffering issue is still there. NOT isp OR device related. On TV4 Hockey(and live1,2,34)when live event its hopless… who cares?
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Reactions: 80280
What is happening with the Swedish channels? It is unwatchable at the moment. Especially during the live hockey games. Is anyone working on a resolution?
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