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for the guys,

who dont get the message you use to much invalid e-mail it should work again :D

for the rest please standby
for the guys,

who dont get the message you use to much invalid e-mail it should work again :D

for the rest please standby
it give me now " you have tested too many invalid emails"
ok i'm standing and eat popcorn :yum:
i don't think cause i just keep try to create trial each time show invalid email and now is change the error msg
I can't create Trials at all, I'm getting "invalid email address (1253)" with whatever email address that I'm using???
don't try to create line anymore until staff fix your problem to not get a new error like what happen to me
I agree here, I don't want to email the trials as I use Xtreme Editor.

So I have to email the customer tell them to activate then go back and create a line on Xtreme Editor and send again.

I can send to my mail but only 1 then it says already requested.

Much better the previous way.
This is getting ridiculous, now I'm getting email invalid with @btopenworld.com and @chessict.co.uk, how are these not valid????
I also tried this email and got same error. I think that provider is in Blacklist.
This is creating problems to get new clients. This way of creating trials is not good. Please turn it back...
i'am a reseller more then 2 years. I make the lines for my clients an update it on siptv. Now the problem: i use only one email adress (my email) all the time, and the second problem with iphone (safari) i can not activit to download the line. I need help.
I only get the error message

invalid mailadres. (1253)

what a mess