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Infomir MAG blocking

Hey I'm having an issue with my Mag 254, since a couple of days everything is moving very slow and the channel plays a little then box resets. I thought this has to do with infomir blocking so I factory reset, turned off auto update then reloaded rapid portal, it worked for a couple of days but it's back to slow and rebooting device after watching a channel. Please help? is there a new rapid link for mag boxes? or what should i do?
Contact your reseller, he can help you about new or old link for mag
A lot of customers complaining about there magboxes behaving weird lately..
Tried to reset lines but no success, when it works problems comes back somedays later.
Have black screen, reboot.
Slow box, hardly watchable
And so on, 2 many for my comfort
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Hey I'm having an issue with my Mag 254, since a couple of days everything is moving very slow and the channel plays a little then box resets. I thought this has to do with infomir blocking so I factory reset, turned off auto update then reloaded rapid portal, it worked for a couple of days but it's back to slow and rebooting device after watching a channel. Please help? is there a new rapid link for mag boxes? or what should i do?

The old model of boxes have low memory and can't load the updated epg file for all bouquets,

So please try to remove the bouquets (at least 10) which you don't want and then reload the box.
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My second mag 256 box has now had the portal url section removed even though auto update was disabled. Any idea why/ how this has happened
Hi all,

Sorry to resurrect an old thread but it is relevant.

I am running a MAG351 which I tweaked to stop provider blocking - Switched off auto updates and modified hosts file to redirect mag351.dcbs.infomir.com to localhost. It is running Infomir firmware.

Everything was fine for weeks until two days ago but then one of my portals started showing the dreaded "blocked" message.

I have checked and my hacks are still in place.
The dls.backup file contains one line "#DCBS" (I have deleted it and it just comes back).
I have tried URL redirection with both sub-domains of my own domains and commercial URL shortners but the box seems to detect them somehow (the working portal won't work with redirection either). I get the same "blocked" message.

Anyone have any idea what has gone wrong. Have Infomir activated some "back door" we were unaware of? Anyone else experiencing this?

My second mag 256 box has now had the portal url section removed even though auto update was disabled. Any idea why/ how this has happened

I you SSH to the box and use the following command the will reappear -

“fw_setenv custom_url_hider false”

User user "root" and Password “930920