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IPTV kick out


New Member
Jun 29, 2019
Since this morning my IPTV kick me out after 40s-45s.
I am using simple PVR IPTV and the issue just started Today.
Is they anybody already experience this issue and can help to solve it??
Thanks in advance
Yes i tried it, it's better directly from the TV and SIPTV.
But with my Kodi Leia on my RPI 3B+, it kick me out every 40s-45s
Nop. I have from somewhere else
What I know about Kodi is that it seems a bit bad with IPTV. Special if it's a bad image. I recommend contacting your reseller anyway. Here we only sell Rapid iptv. We can therefore not help you very much with troubleshooting this when the line is not produced from our platform. This limits the troubleshooting.
What I know about Kodi is that it seems a bit bad with IPTV. Special if it's a bad image. I recommend contacting your reseller anyway. Here we only sell Rapid iptv. We can therefore not help you very much with troubleshooting this when the line is not produced from our platform. This limits the troubleshooting.
Thanks very much, I will check with my reseller.
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Nothing to do with your subscription, i have the same issue with Kodi. It is a issue with Kodi itself.
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Can be a kodi problem or your list got somehow leaked somewhere and people are using that list now which gets you kicked out cause of too many connections
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