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IPTV Smarters - iOS (iPad & iPhone & Apple TV)


Staff member
Sep 25, 2015
Reseller ID

IPTV Smarters is a complete user-defined Advanced IPTV solutions for live and VOD streams.
Requires iOS 9.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Apple TV.

You will need to enter your Username, Password and Server URL that is provided by your service provider.

Example line: http://example:80/get.php?username=JGsznjd04&password=5Sy3k06&type=m3u&output=m3u8

1. Username: JGsznjd04
2. Password: 5Sy3k06
3. Link: http://example:80

Version 1.4.9, 2019

List of features :

- Built-in powerful player, No need to look for a third-party player to support these formats
- Live and VOD Streaming
- Account info
- Very simple and user-friendly App

If you got probs:
If you have problems with it, they are most likely to be caused by entering your credentials incorrectly.
Check that you have entered them exactly as in your line. with no spaces. Check the upper/lower case.

More info & Download: https://itunes.apple.com/us/developer/amanpreet-singh/id1327210459?mt=8

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"please wait, while we are getting things ready for the first time" "Downloading Channels, VOD and Series"

This text has been there for about 15 minutes now.. Before that it was 20 minutes, and i reinstalled the App..

In my smartphone (OnePlus 6) it works.
Nice app, but it doesn't support xtream-editor.com and no EPG. It also lacks swiping functionality. It seems promising, but at the moment, it's just very rudimentary. Needs more work!
No gear icon on the Apple TV. I can turn them off on iPhone and iPad because I can see the gear.
Just tried it for the first time yesterday after reading about it. never thought it was any decent by looking at the screenshots from the App store...BUT it surprised me for a free App. Very decent to be honest.
Just got this app, using iPhone and with Ni***... after a few minutes or something’s even an hour channels will freeze and say sorry video cannot be played... help please . Added a picture to help. Thnx
For tvOS (Apple TV) this app FAILS playback of VOD. Strangely, LIve TV is working in tvOS IPTV-Smarters app ....

If it was a DNS issue (discussed here ) both Live TV and VOD should FAIL.... or am I missing something ?
No gear icon on the Apple TV. I can turn them off on iPhone and iPad because I can see the gear.

Did you find a solution to this?

Anyone? How do you change language of subtitle on Apple TV for movies? There is no gear.


as soon there is a new update, we will update the 1st post o this thread.
