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IPTVX app to watch IPTV on AppleTV [+ REDEEM CODES]

Hello everybody.
I have such a big todo list that it's hard to do everything at the same time.

Currently I'm focusing in decentralize the data to iCloud so you could use a lot of space and synch your data on multiple Apple TV. With this I will also introduce a settings page;
After this I have to change the player with a more powerful and also improve the live experience and introduce the epg timeline.
Plus I have to insert subtitles.

As I said a lot of stuff.
I'm working hard trust me.

Thanks for your feedback I will revert the red to another color and give more space to the preview panel in the next version.

I can recommend VLC player, if you choose another player, it would be great if you can let us choose in settings ;)

Keep up the good work!
I can recommend VLC player, if you choose another player, it would be great if you can let us choose in settings ;)

Keep up the good work!

I already have a branch of my work where I implemented it. However the VLC sdk has few bugs. I was able to find few workaround for them except for the aspect ratio. Aspect ratio can’t be changed properly because is bugged. That’s why I was waiting to deliver it.
However the player is very powerful.
Good job. Keep going we all appreciate it. One more thing. I seem to have lost all of my movie covers since your last title cleaning update, I think it has gone backwards.
Good job. Keep going we all appreciate it. One more thing. I seem to have lost all of my movie covers since your last title cleaning update, I think it has gone backwards.
What? This is working good for everybody now. Can you show me a picture? Cover info come down with the movie details are you getting movie details?
I can se what is happening. IPTVStack name some if their movies with [Multu-Subs] after the title or sometimes [Multi-Subs] [2018] with the 2018 being different years. (see attached) these movies show the cover for a film called ‘Subs Heroes’ all movies without the [...] work perfectly.


So here the thing:
there are multiple string that can be added on the title making it dirty.
Every time I discover some possible dirty string, I improve the method which clean the title (so thanks for reporting it).
The year get already cleaned and also "multisubs", but your titles have "multi-subs". I add this to my cleaning method and you'll see it working well in next version.
Ok I improved the string. Please let me know if you see other strings that are preventing the correct cover to come down.
Ok I improved the string. Please let me know if you see other strings that are preventing the correct cover to come down.

Hi there,

Waiting to receive my Apple TV 4K to buy this app... I'm hardly following this forum and the development of this wonderful app that's why I would love to bring my help on the app, if need help to translate it in French, I would be glad to help

Keep it up


Hello everybody. Few days ago I released a new version with the improved method to clean the string and the new feature which stores data in the app's cloud.
I'm also on my way to release a new player (VLC) which will play 4k on apple tv 4k and it will offer a more stable streaming.
Finally I'm working on the settings page and the parental control to block channels with a password.
Once all of this will be finished in the next weeks, I will implement subtitles too.

I still don’t understand what you mean for archive however if you have a m3u playlist url you are good to go.
I still don’t understand what you mean for archive however if you have a m3u playlist url you are good to go.
I think he mean that you "save" episode list from live TV.
So you see when the next episode is aired, and what you have seen (and/or missed)?

For example, you watch a new series and want to start follow that series, you can put it in an "archive"?
I still don’t understand what you mean for archive however if you have a m3u playlist url you are good to go.
I mean the TV programs that were previously broadcast and are in the archive of the iptv service