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Kodi Technical Issues and Support

I have a stange issue. I have coreelec on odroid C2. Since few days, I'm not able to start any iptv stream on tv. Only way to start the stream is, I start kodi in my andoid phone. Starting any channel and stopping it. After that, I can start any chnnel on TV, channel switching is also possible.

But when I watch a channel for a while (about 30 minutes), then I can'T open any other chennel again. I already created a clean coreelec installation, and issue is still persist. Any Idea?
I have a stange issue. I have coreelec on odroid C2. Since few days, I'm not able to start any iptv stream on tv. Only way to start the stream is, I start kodi in my andoid phone. Starting any channel and stopping it. After that, I can start any chnnel on TV, channel switching is also possible.

But when I watch a channel for a while (about 30 minutes), then I can'T open any other chennel again. I already created a clean coreelec installation, and issue is still persist. Any Idea?
Sounds a bit strange indeed :) .. did you make sure that " cache at local " storage is NOT activated under Simple iptv client ?
Sounds a bit strange indeed :) .. did you make sure that " cache at local " storage is NOT activated under Simple iptv client ?

You mean for the play list? need to check it, I'm using xtreme-editor to edit my playlist. Same list is working fine on my phone (android + kodi app or perfect player). On TV, it is not working :(
Will chekc it, but same issue is happening when I download the m3u file and open it as local list.
I have a stange issue. I have coreelec on odroid C2. Since few days, I'm not able to start any iptv stream on tv. Only way to start the stream is, I start kodi in my andoid phone. Starting any channel and stopping it. After that, I can start any chnnel on TV, channel switching is also possible.

But when I watch a channel for a while (about 30 minutes), then I can'T open any other chennel again. I already created a clean coreelec installation, and issue is still persist. Any Idea?
I have the exact same problem. No idea what is happening - using latest coreelec 9.0.1. If I start to play a channel on my phone using IPTVPro app then the channels will start working on my coreelec box too, but only for a little while - This is absolutely mind boggling! any help please?
I have the exact same problem. No idea what is happening - using latest coreelec 9.0.1. If I start to play a channel on my phone using IPTVPro app then the channels will start working on my coreelec box too, but only for a little while - This is absolutely mind boggling! any help please?

I experimented a while. I have a RASPI2 which I used before I bought the C2. I installed the lattest libreelec and tested it. with RASPI2 on same network with same configuration, I have no issue. As next, I installed libreelec on C2 and tested it, also with libreelec, I had the same issue. Raspi is too weak for FHD streams, so this is not the solution for me.

I also tested the C2 with a wifi adapter to make sure that the MAC of the the LAN is somehow blocked by my router. But with wifi, I have the same issue.
I have same problem smart iptv or stb emulator on tv wotk perfect but if i will start m3u on kodi cant play stream. I think rapid have bug on servers or block kodi. Im use coreelec 9.1.
I have the same problem as well on Kodi. the last couple of weeks I can hardly start a channel stream. While inside my smart TV it is working as expected.
I have exactly the same problem:
  1. RaspberryPi with Libreelec works perfectly.
  2. Kodi on windows works perfectly.
  3. Smart iptv on TV works perfectly.
However, Coreelec on my S912 box fails to load the m3u on startup (even with wait for network on startup enabled) and times-out after a period of time and I can't change channels. To fix it, I have to start a stream on another platform, then go back to Coreelec.

Rinse an repeat.
To fix it, I have to start a stream on another platform, then go back to Coreelec.

I had to learn how to use tcpdump. Then comparing the tcp headers between Coreelec and pc connection to my IPTV provider, I finally found some difference that revealed itself to be the cause of the issue.
In my case the issue started long ago after a Coreelec update back in June/July last year.
This command is working for me. Try it in ssh and if it works put it in autostart:

echo 2 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn

My autostart looks like this:
echo 2 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn
) &
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For some reason - my streams are loading today without making any changes to CoreElec.
Very strange, but I'm happy.
Hi everybody,
as I stated in another post, I am using Kodi on Manjaro Linux and it seems incredibly buggy. My setup is ok I think because sometimes all the channels with EPG are perfectly there and watchable, later that day: not one single channel, no EPG, nothing. Restart Kodi, things work again.
Tried the official Kodi Add-on from this forum: same thing. Sometimes it works, sometimes it just won't play any channel.

So, is this a problem with Kodi in general? Is it buggy with this service? Is someone using Kodi for IPTV with IPTVSimple Addon on a regular basis without problem? Am I oversseing something?

I also tried LibreELEC as OS and OSX on my macbook. Same thing. Sometimes it works flawlessly, sometimes nothing at all.
And: are those problems gone with a FireTV stick or a Nvidia Shield? Is the service realy stable with these devices?

I am running kodi 18 and IPTV perfectly fine. Very stable combination. So are other people around me. Very hard to guess what is causing your issues. I would try another piece of hardware if you are having this issues with the same hardware. You can run it on cheap Chinese hardware boxes where you replace Android. Look at CoreElec. If your TV set is not very old you can load the IPTV stream in your TV as well.