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No extension after payment

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New Member
Oct 10, 2017
Hi, i have done a payment for extension of my line 2 august and today my line expired. I have tried to contact by dashboard and mail but no answer. What to do?
Earlier it have worked just fine to do a extension.
If this is still not solved please send me a Private Message with a short description of the problem and the reseller name
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Hi, new here so asking whether we are allowed to name a supplier, well he claims to be the supplier and not the Reseller, that is ripping people off. If not I won’t

How can we manage to avoid the account to be blocked because the line seems to be used in 2 devices at the same time?

My parents account has been blocked after few months because of the matter above but I know that it is not the case because they don't know how to set it and they only have 1 device. Maybe it is because the internet provider refresh their IP address frequently, what do you think? If yes, any solution to avoid their account to be blocked again?

Hi all.

Need to ask if its possible to check somewhere if my iptv box have get mac banned?..
My iptv have worked great but now its completly dead, no channel list or nothing, can go online with box and Watch youtube and so on.
But have no "Line" to my provider of stream.... Provider tell me he cant see some wrong with my line and all look good, but why no channels?.

If i have put this quastion in wrong forum, please move it to right forum or delete quastion.

Had LT last 6 mths been ok but tonight nothing...any ideas..been on ebay to purchase a few more tonight so hope get something soon
open a ticket from your Dashboard. Make sure you have our service. Otherwise, we cannot help you.
Hi guys,

i read this documentation from a university where the writer explains how blocking form isps... work. He explained it really really well. First a bit the IT-techicians which you need to understand some parts of the articel, then different types of block possibilitys, then how you can prevent these blockings.

with this article we will not be able to solve some isp problems but i found it great for better understanding.
The article is in german, maybe who wants will find it in english..


Greetings to all
Hello this has came up on my dads iptv on the firestick. It says he is still activated but our seller hasnt been on Facebook for 6 months so am guessing he has gone. Any help. Thanks

1st make sure your reseller is from this forum. If your reseller is from here you already got the Dashboard, so open a ticket from your Dashboard. Your reseller will help you out regarding this issue.

If you are not sure if your reseller is from this forum, please send the m3u line to @Rapid TV Swiss in PM

I have now found how to enable text support and modify poor sync DVB subtitles. I know, for example, that TV4 to TV12 has TXT-PID: 0102 (258). Currently, TXT-PID is empty in swedish channels Sjuan, TV8, TV10, and so on. If you enter 0102 (258) then they will get started. My problem now is how i can find a program where you can change PID for video, audio, text, etc. for IPTV. Dreamset exists, but it only supports satellite channels. Do IPTV experts know if there is an application that can edit PID for IPTV? I would like to receive tips ...
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i found that the speed limit per connection is around 1.024MB/s

but there are some FHD channels video bitrate are over 1.1MB/s ~ 1.5MB/s
why cant i signup with vpn as a reseller?
I want to Hide my personal information and its only for protect myself...thanks

We are sorry, you can not use any VPN or Proxy for the Dashboard.

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