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No sound


New Member
May 9, 2018
I have no sound on Lived: Sweden SVT1 HD SE and SVT2 HD SE. All other channels on Live: Sweden has sound. Even SVT1 SE and SVT2 SE (not HD-channels)
My enigma2 box is a Dreambox 8000 with latest OpenPli image
Could someone help me with a solution?
Same channels but with iPlayTv on AppleTv4 have sond!!
I have no sound on Lived: Sweden SVT1 HD SE and SVT2 HD SE. All other channels on Live: Sweden has sound. Even SVT1 SE and SVT2 SE (not HD-channels)
My enigma2 box is a Dreambox 8000 with latest OpenPli image
Could someone help me with a solution?
Same channels but with iPlayTv on AppleTv4 have sond!!
hi, next time you should report it through your user dashboard or get in contact with your reseller to help you with it.
this sound problem for both channels (SVT1 HD SE and SVT2 HD SE) has been reported now through my dashboard, keep fingers crossed, to get it fixed shortly.
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hi, next time you should report it through your user dashboard or get in contact with your reseller to help you with it.
this sound problem for both channels (SVT1 HD SE and SVT2 HD SE) has been reported now through my dashboard, keep fingers crossed, to get it fixed shortly.
Still any news about this?
I've just tried SVT1 HD SE and everything is fine ?!
But not on my dreambox 8000hd with openPli latest image. It work when I use same line in AppleTv4
All other channels on Dreambox 8000 has sound??
Svt1 without Hd has sound as well