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NPO 1, NPO 2, NPO 3 ETC DUTCH channels stutter

Just one more post….
The UK channels that broadcast the euros are in 25fps FHD or HD even though advertised as FHD, same for all the german channels, all are advertised as FHD but are actually only HD. What is happening?
If you not satisfied with the service, you can ask refund from your reseller.
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I live in Germany. Yesterday I tried NPO1 during the football match between Belgium and Portugal and had no problems at all.
Even the FHD-channel was perfect.
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I live in Germany. Sunday I tried NPO1 during the football match between Belgium and Portugal. I had ni problems at all. Even the FHD version had almost no buffers.
I live in Germany. Sunday I tried NPO1 during the football match between Belgium and Portugal. I had ni problems at all. Even the FHD version
It was oke during the last few weeks but now it is bad again. Why can't you keep it the same? It stutters now again just when the football season is starting again. Please fix this because this is amazingly important for me
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I get complaints from my mother almost every day. I would have a day-job logging in for her and reporting every day.
Not something I'm willing to do because I'm using this service as a consumer not at a business capacity.
Or rather... She does. I rarely have the time to watch tv in any case.

As mentioned by others, the dutch and the few german channels she watches, arguably the most popular ones here in the border region, appear to be the biggest culprit.
Though my wife watches US streams and she experiences the same problems as well.
With streams cutting out entirely, varying quality, synchronization issues and others.

I've minimized the potential for problems on mine and her end to make sure that it's not our internet, hardware nor software.
Mothers internet is solid at 100mbps+ for 1 laptop and a phone, which she barely uses a fraction of for facebook at most.
My internet is multiples of the above in available throughput and even played with QoS-type systems prioritizing certain traffic without resolve.
The problems occur on general purpose computers and laptops, dedicated hardware, smart-tv, wired and wireless.

It appears that they're having a hard time keeping quality and throughput consistent on their end. Especially at peak-hours.
From an IT perspective these setups and their problems can be fairly complex and it can be costly to get right or scale well.
However... If it's your core business you'd expect genuine interest and progress to really get it right. Not to just cash in with minimum effort.
These resellers take the bulk of the crap so let the tech-heads do their due diligence.