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Please, someone - help me!


New Member
Aug 1, 2017
Hi friends,
I have a question for you. I have iptv today and had it for many years. It has now starting buffering from hell. The provider i have told me to try smarterspro but it doesent get better. (im using both smartiptv app and mag256).
I tried with different internet connections so it isnt the wifi/dns thats the problem. Can it be the provider I bought iptv from? Because i’ve never had these problems before.
Thank you!
This Problems may happen because of Many Rasons

The frist Cause- Hardware equipment : Some Box and Smart tvs comes with Limited in cach and memory so you need to reduce your Playlist to be able watching Tv without Buffering

Second Cause - ISP in your country who's start Throuttling IPtv Providers (you need to use Vpn to Bypass this ) Use Famous VPn providers which Provide many Server locations (Select Server location Who Give you Best Results in Test net)
I now have cyberghost vpn. I have choosed another country for the dns. I can reach my iptv app smartiptv and smarterspro but thee channels doesent work? Netflix, youtube etc works on the tv so theres internet connecting, you know why? ☺️