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Sell streams and scripts


New Member
Feb 26, 2022
I'll update my earlier review on buying stuff from erlang.

I bought a script for Denmark channels.

On my first VPS the script worked fine for like 1-2 weeks and then all channels besides 3-4 went down, erlang kept blaiming my VPS so i had to purchase a new.
I sent him the specs of the VPS on telegram and asked if it was OK to handle the servers, he agreed.

After I purchased my second VPS, it turned out it couldn't handle it at all, so 70 euro down in the drain.

I then got another dedicated server, everything worked fine for 2-3 days and again all the channels down besides like 6.
Erlang told me that I should just buy 10 VPS and use 6-10 channels on each VPS.

Erlang is doesn't want to try to fix the issues that his script has, If you meet any issues with his script it will always be your server/server location or you'll have to purchase an extra product from him. I think in total I purchased 4-5 servers, even tho he said they were OK but then when I got them, they're not ok anyways.

I have offered erlang to send me the source of the script, and me and a friend will modify it so its possible to use proxies, but he says no.
I can't lie normally he is very helpful and gives advices, but this time he won't even try to look at the script.

If you want a broken script, where the guy won't bother taking a look at it to fix it, erlang is your guy.
If you want a stable 100% working script, you should look for someone else.

When erlang decides to actually take the time to fix his script, I'll remove my review.
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Premium Exchange
Jun 29, 2020
:) Guys alienate started reduce connection by ip. so everyone who use from me mpdplayer must use 10 vps or one server with multi ip. Thank you


New Member
Feb 26, 2022

I still can't get why you guys want erlangs stream.
He wrote after my last review

":) Guys alienate started reduce connection by ip. so everyone who use from me mpdplayer must use 10 vps or one server with multi ip. Thank you"

I of course got in contact with him again, ordered a /28 subnet, and again all ips blocked.
You can't trust his scripts, he promises you the world.

I got like 2 weeks running channels for more than 1000+ euro.
