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Very good Android Box?

Hi there .. i use a DreamTV MINI UltraHD box (DreamMultimedia) it is a very new box and also a very nice working box .. the development team is constantly busy to improve it ..
The built in app DreamTV is working very nice .. you can configure it with Stalker portal , Xtream , Enigma 2 , or you can insert your M3U list .. you can connect a keyboard en mouse (usb) there is a slot for SD-card and a S/PDIF digital bitstream out .. dual wifi ( 2.4 and 5 Ghz ) LAN port .. 2GB Ram ,16GB Flash , Bluetooth , 4K - 60fps .. you can download apps from the playstore ( Android 9.0 engine ) .. and many more .. it is a very nice box with a high potential ;)

I was looking at this box too .. the problem is that I think it does not deinterlace properly.. This problem is reported on their support forum

Is this problem still present or has it been fixed?

I have no problem with that (1080p 60Hz) .. they say the problem is fixed with the latest firmware DREAMTV-OS-1.0214 it seams not to be working on 1080i 25Hz but they still working on it .. Cheers mate ..
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