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Search results

  1. Suttung

    Best device for IPTV

    The remote for Shield does not really appealing to me. I want all the buttons that a normal remote have. Same with the mi box, the main problem with the remotes for these is that the rest of my family 3-12 years old and the wife is not that tech savvy. So they need a simple remote.
  2. Suttung

    Best device for IPTV

    How about TVIP s-box 605? I can get one of those for about 900kr which is about 96usd
  3. Suttung

    Best device for IPTV

    Well I only use the TV to watch TV, so apps or how it reads downloaded files are not that important. And the whole family uses it, from 6 to 40 years old, so it also need to be simple enough for everyone to use, without troubling me when they need to do anything.:D that is the only thing that is...
  4. Suttung

    Best device for IPTV

    Tried GSE, IPTV Extreme among others on my Formuler, and that was terrible. But again that may be because of a shitty device. lol
  5. Suttung

    Best device for IPTV

    No luck in finding used Nvidia shields here in Sweden tho, Don't know if it is the price or that there is only one re seller who is allowed to sell them that is the problem. Found one 2 years old Pro for 1900kr (209.69usd)
  6. Suttung

    Best device for IPTV

    With Nvidia shield i'm stuck with Kodi right?
  7. Suttung

    Best device for IPTV

    I don't like Kodi at all for some reason, just a thing like they don't allow copy+paste :rolleyes:. But i have only used it on my Formuler and on that it is not a smooth experience, lagging menus and channel switching. But that may be just Formulers fault. I have now looked at the U2C Z -...
  8. Suttung

    Best device for IPTV

    At the moment I'm stuck with a box, as my TV is unsmart. And to be honest it's much cheaper to buy a new box than replacing a fully functional TV. :cool:
  9. Suttung

    Best device for IPTV

    What MAG is THE most valuable then. There is like 5000 different. :eek:
  10. Suttung

    Best device for IPTV

    I was recommended Nvidia Shield by na other too, but I feel that it is a bit to expensive. The mi box unfortunately got really bad reviews Tom's guide, complained on the remote, picture, sound, resolution and fps. Got any other hot tip?
  11. Suttung

    Best device for IPTV

    What is the best device to watch IPTV? I know it is a hard and maybe stupid question. Today I use a Formuler Z7+ which have been nothing but trouble since I got it about a year ago, I bought this one as i was hoping that is was good as the price was about 180usd here I Sweden. And what I...
  12. Suttung

    Swedish Channels sorting

    This is the optimal sorting! It makes no sense having SVTB and TV4 Guld before channel 12. Think like this, when pressing channel 3 you should get TV3 and so on.
  13. Suttung

    IPTV Subscription

    How long: 3 months Which device: Formuler z7+ Which country: Sweden
  14. Suttung

    Reseller Discussions and Technical Issues

    Ok, so the only real solution is to have several mail adresses?
  15. Suttung

    Reseller Discussions and Technical Issues

    Is it possible to unlink a dashboard connected to your email?
  16. Suttung

    IPTV Subscription

    How long: 3 months Which device: Formuler Z7+ Which country: Sweden
  17. Suttung

    IPTV Subscription

    How long: 3-6 months Which device: Formuler z7+ Which country: Sweden
  18. Suttung

    IPTV Trial

    Which device: Formuler Z7+ Which country: Sweden
  19. Suttung

    IPTV Subscription

    How long: 1 month Which device: Formuler z7+ Which country: Sweden