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  1. BrokenChaos

    [Q&A] How to Be a Reseller?

    testing 123
  2. BrokenChaos

    Real Reason for Buffering - Read Before you Complain

    If you would like to debate this, please create another thread. The purpose of this particular thread is for the use of Resellers in helping them in Support as it is nearly always the case that the issues I have presented are always valid. I hope this post helps MANY people who are new to IPTV :)
  3. BrokenChaos

    Real Reason for Buffering - Read Before you Complain

    In nearly all support requests due to buffering, the problem is nearly always USER BASED. Yes You... Its your setup!!! The average person already knows this, so this is for those "others" You will need to TEST every time you make a change... Use VLC for testing and view the DATA from VLC...
  4. BrokenChaos

    Taking Payment - How - Who

    Is this an issue with some Resellers? Do some of you have a hard time processing funds?
  5. BrokenChaos

    Taking Payment - How - Who

    When you sell a product, you need to get paid and how that is accomplished is not always easy This is where Direct Selling has its advantage as you communicate with the buyer and exchange payment details. Before we go any further, everyone does need to understand that selling this form of...
  6. BrokenChaos

    Basic Marketing Strategies - Web Based

    In this help section, I will cover Marketing on a Basic level as its aimed at those new to the world of SEO and Marketing. It will cover Websites and Social Networks as direct marketing (One on One) is another issue altogether. You have Your Website or Social Groups all ready to go If you...
  7. BrokenChaos

    How to make a living as a Reseller

    Where to start: The first thing you should do before you get your Reseller account is to check out the competition if you are aiming at a niche market. So if you are aiming at a country based market, do a Google search and check out the competitors websites and what and how they offer IPTV...