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    Any way to set subtitles to a preselected language?

    Hi :) Not sure if I am stupid and failed to see a solution to this: Can I set a language in the subtitle field so I don't have to set it every time I start a new serie/movie. Tried on smarters and xciptvplayer
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    Reseller Discussions and Technical Issues

    I had similar problems with iptv smarters app and Xcip tv app, it seems like the problems is there when i log in with Xtremes codes api but it works when i use a m3u file. Try the m3u file, i know the sorting etc is horrible in comparison, but you will be able to get access to the channels.
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    Frames per second?

    Hi, Looking at buying a new Nvidia shield with picture upscaling, this only works on 30 FPS or less. What rate do rapid broadcast HD and FHD? And would a good upscaler improve the picture quality?
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    Is there som ETA when Videoclub and TV Series

    Hi, movies works for me now, but not series. Is it only me or are they still down?
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    Unable to access IPTV from my Fritz!box 7530

    Clean your cache and data on your IPTV player app, you will need to enter your username, password again. This should do the trick
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    GSE Smart IPTV Pro - Not working right anymore

    Clear storage and cashe in appsettings and see if that helps
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    Finally found a solution to my buffering problems

    After over a year of constant buffering and a number of calls to my internet supplier (i have a 500mb fibre connection) and complaints here in the chat i have solved my problems. This might not be the reason for everyone but worth a try! The boxes i tried is low cost boxes but with 2GB/16 and...
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    Reseller Discussions and Technical Issues

    I have tried a number of boxes and constantly had buffering problems, what helped me was to add a fan to cool down the android boxes (i had no issues at all with buffering after that). I have now bought a Nvidia shield and no need for a fan and no buffering issues at all. Ask your clients if...
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    Reseller Discussions and Technical Issues

    Might be overheating of your TVbox, try to put it on the side so air circulate better around it. You can also try to put a fan next to it to see if that helps.