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Finally found a solution to my buffering problems

Alexander R

New Member
Aug 10, 2017
After over a year of constant buffering and a number of calls to my internet supplier (i have a 500mb fibre connection) and complaints here in the chat i have solved my problems.

This might not be the reason for everyone but worth a try!

The boxes i tried is low cost boxes but with 2GB/16 and 4GB/32 (number of brands in the 40-60 euro range) and every single one had issues with buffering, and i used a ethernet cable so not a bandwith issue.

The boxes were always getting quite warm and i never connected that a warm processor equals a problem similar to buffering problems.

Solution: by a laptop fan(i got something like this: https://www.tiendatr.com/soporte-de...9Cf1332retE4cQONo_i1LvO1IRwiP2khoCOIwQAvD_BwE

My buffering problems stopped at once, just make sure that whatever fan you buy has a USB connector and problem solved.

I have now invested in a Nvidia Shield and that works great without a fan :) and that is without a doubt the best investment i done in my IPTV area.


Jun 29, 2017
Reseller ID
I think it might have to do with the internal specs of the low cost boxes, generally you are right to focus on 2GB/16 or higher in terms of RAM, but if heat temperature is the cause of it (since u need cooling via the fans) chances are, the CPUs within the boxes are not exactly up to par. You might want to review the tech specs of the low cost boxes next time imo ... I buy my 2GB/16 android tv boxes too but I have never encountered these buffering problems - but then again I have a clear advantage in that my internet line is fibre-optic 1Gbps... ;)