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Enigma2 script can not be installed and Fire TV stick is not synonymous

Click Remote playlist and paste m3u link, it will take user/pasd there,dont use Xtreme Api.
Yes and dann say the app this is an Xtream Api link and make an Item with this. But it does not work.
The same with an other Line und it works.

The Line from her works only with Xtream plugin in the Enigma2 STB.

I have testet with all other Divises.
You get the line for testing. Look at the picture. User or password is wrong though it is correct.


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Yes and dann say the app this is an Xtream Api link and make an Item with this. But it does not work.
The same with an other Line und it works.

The Line from her works only with Xtream plugin in the Enigma2 STB.

I have testet with all other Divises.
The issue with that is you have to press (diagnosis) on the iptv dashboard and then it will say fix password. It happens as you run the Enigma2 app it stops the m3u and all links from working.
I did not understand that now. I only made the diagnosis after it had stopped. Anthony henderson has been able to fix the problem twice already. but he did not tell me where the problem was. I think it can happen again.
As I say it is not going to be any more today even though I did not do anything about the night. I do not understand the problem.
1. just follow this steps: https://iptv.community/threads/turtorial-gse-smart-iptv-app.6684/

thats for gse app, use the url shortner bit.ly to make youre url short, most errors are in there.

2. you only say it doesnt work. what doesnt work be specifiek wich error do you get ?

3. you says you use script and xstreeam tv addon. and only script doesnt work. i dont see the problem you can watch throw the addon than

4. did you use the right script ? wich of instal do u use are you going throw FTP or telenet ? wich program wich codes do u use ?


and 5.

In the "channel list context menu".
Quick way: Open your channel list, press menu, settings
Long way: Menu > Setup > System > Channel selection settings
It is also in the Customise menu, but titled "Load unlinked userbouquets"

not an expert with engima and sateliet receivers
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in the forum I had already described the problem with pictures. For me it looks as if my username and password is not accepted. At least that says the diagnosis in the dashboard. the same error comes in other applications like the Gse player. I can only use the iptv with the xtream plugin for Enigma2. Strangely, too, when I look over xtream, the status in the dashboard stays at 0/1. another reseller was able to fix the problem twice, but only for a short time. I used the right scripts. As I said it was then again for a short time on all devices after the reseller had done something. but only briefly.
1. when I look over xtream, the status in the dashboard stays at 0/1. this is always like this, only when you press on it it wil check if the line is on

2. is youre username and password are not accepted. xstream plugin wouldnt work to ( get the same info from the same place with the same username and password)

3. who is youre reseller ? did he look into it ?

4. but dont the block appear when you have the engima device on stanby and try to login into gse app. so the firewall blocks you ?> another reseller can unblock youre ip than

5. You need to ask rapid swiss tv, or someone else for answer like i said i am a noob on this part
my reseller is ldstv. He could not help me any further. Anthony Henderson, another reseller, was able to fix the problem twice for a short time. so i think the problem should not be the firewall. I also find it very strange that xtream works and not everything else. Now you do not have to enter any password at xtream. there it runs over the mac address.
I noticed a issue when you start the Xtreme app on Enigma2 it will make the password invalid with the m3u files and other apps. The login for the ip dashboard still works. One fix is to press diagnosis and then it will say "password error on line" and you press resolve.

You have to do diagnosis each time you start enigma2 app. So either use enigma2 xtremeapp or m3u as starting extremeapp will break m3u until you do the resolve part. I think that is what your issue is.