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Hi, I don´t know how much I want to write about myself here.
But I can say that I have just ordered a formuler z8 and I want to try iptv.
I am from sweden, and I want the swedish channels and movie channels.
A am also interested in some thailand channels.
Hi everyone, Portuguese dude living abroad and trying really hard to learn more about this world of IPTV! Many thanks for letting me become part of the community.
Hello everyone. Joined this site because I was having issues loading IPTV. Got sorted within the hour. Great site, great support.
Newish to this - fed up pay $$$$ to massive companys - trying android / MAG / VLC - still working out whats best for me (+want to make a bit on the side perhaps....)
Hi New here and looking forward to finding out more about IPTV, in particular the minefield of the best providers for long term subscription
Hello, im from Sweden. After hearing so much good about this community ive decided to try! Have never used IPTV before and would love to try it out. Right now i have no channels on TV so this could be awesome!