• Welcome to IPTV Community! You need login/register in-order to access forum without restriction.
  • WARNING! BEFORE GETTING SUBSCRIPTION: Only make a deal with our Verified Sellers which known by Blue Font Color on their usernames and Reseller TAG on their profiles.
New members:

Post here to get an offer, using this template:

How long: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months or 12 months
Which device:
Which country:
Which VPN:

!!!! NO e-mails and mac addresses in open thread !!!!!

Not using this template will get youre request deleted and the line blocked.


For Resellers:

Instead of replying to the tekst you only press the LIKE BUTTON

Other posts will be deleted

(so no more microposting, or people only reacting to get there post count up)

!!! Giving out a trial or subscription when the client isn't using the template will get you warning points !!!

Other Rules:


Apple TV
3 months
I have RAPID IPTV until 1/4/2018..
Want to buy subscription for one year from some another resseler, first one was very problematic..
I use MAG254, but I like to have it on PC or IOS too..
Rapid IPTV that we offer is the same for all resellers, whether you go with reseller A or B or C, quality of the stream will always be identical ;)
But, quality of resellers isn't..