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I want to try a new provider, since the one I’m currently using is not updating series and movies very often.....

I am using a formuler z device, and primarily using the mytvonline2 app when watching Iptv and watching movies and series

As I am living in Denmark, I want a Scandinavian package, but as I am also watching a lot of sports, I also watch some UK, US and Canadian channels
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Reactions: trapex
The duration for the Subscription: 6Months
The type of device you want use the Subscription on: Android Box
The country that you are located in: Portugal

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Reactions: Panzerfaustmeyer
I want to request a trail.
Device: Nvidia Shield TV
App: Smart ip tv app
Format: m3u
Country: The Netherlands

I need an account that has vod with Turkish Exxen
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Reactions: Graju