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Is using Nvidia Shield better/faster than the iptv boxes?


New Member
May 24, 2018
I bought the Nvidia shield tv box with the gaming remote last weekend and haven't opened the box. I started researching about IPTV and noticed there are numerous other boxes (like mag) that are half the price of Nvidia shield. Now I am wondering will Nvidia shield be an overkill for my usage. I plan to use it for IPTV and access media stored on my network drive.
I bought the Nvidia shield tv box with the gaming remote last weekend and haven't opened the box. I started researching about IPTV and noticed there are numerous other boxes (like mag) that are half the price of Nvidia shield. Now I am wondering will Nvidia shield be an overkill for my usage. I plan to use it for IPTV and access media stored on my network drive.
Any thoughts from current Nvidia users?
I own a 2015 Nvidia Shield and really only use it for IPTV and other film and TV viewing. I recently bought a Mibox 4k for my girlfriend for 80Euros or so, a lot kless than the Nvidia and its really quite good. If I get a second box, i will buy the Mibox...
Hi a nvidia shield tv owner for about 2 weeks now
Initially thought was a overkill for my needs basically iptv and thought the colours were bit washed on smart iptv app , compared with smart iptv app on my samsung tv. But then i discovered where the power of shield really shine , was using Emby with a paid share service on my samsung tv and was really feed up with freezing and crashing . Nvidia shield is really a beast , 4k HDR play fantastic
Yes is a expensive device and i tried all iptv apps and they are not that great , only smart iptv is something friendly and easy to use but is missing a -roper dedicated iptv app like formuler box has for example
bought nvidia shield more for plex and emby use rather iptv, but love it so much now, proper android tv for big tv screens not like android boxes zoomed up on big tv
Hi a nvidia shield tv owner for about 2 weeks now
Initially thought was a overkill for my needs basically iptv and thought the colours were bit washed on smart iptv app , compared with smart iptv app on my samsung tv. But then i discovered where the power of shield really shine , was using Emby with a paid share service on my samsung tv and was really feed up with freezing and crashing . Nvidia shield is really a beast , 4k HDR play fantastic
Yes is a expensive device and i tried all iptv apps and they are not that great , only smart iptv is something friendly and easy to use but is missing a -roper dedicated iptv app like formuler box has for example
bought nvidia shield more for plex and emby use rather iptv, but love it so much now, proper android tv for big tv screens not like android boxes zoomed up on big tv

Can you pm me with more info about the Emby service you are using :)

and i agree that i would want another good app rather than Smart iptv
If you are interested in more than just IPTV like home automation (controlling the lights, airconditioner, themrmostat etc) etc. using PLEX or KODI, Game streaming the nVidia shield is for you. If you're only interested in IPTV there are cheaper solutions out here (but non as fast as the shield).
I like Mibox as well but it has wifi only and I wanted something that I can hard wire to my network.

You can attach an usb3 network connector to the MiBox. This also improves the network stability a lot. (Current official Android OREO firmware has wifi stability issues). I just bought a second MiBox for my home. IPTv works great with the app Perfect Player.
OK I have Nvidia for few months and absolutely love for streaming Netflix, youtube etc.
Can some please suggest me the best IPTV software that I can install on shield and where can find a service provider. If there are service providers on this forum please send me a note. I am located in Canada and I'm interested in Indian channels.
@Nevermind999 Also to mention: Nvidia Shield TV is future proof compared to other devices. You'll never get the fast zapping time compared to other boxes. Thanks to the power in it, Nvidia Shield TV is absolutely a beast. It has 256 GPU cores which makes it a perfect device for IPTV and much much more.

Personally I recommend the "Smart IPTV" app for the best user interface and experience.
Smart iptv also seems to be a good one but must be sideloaded as far as I know. Still on my list to try. You can try Perfect Player for free from the normal play store. Works great with the normal remotes.
Android uses a managed store in which you can 'buy/select' the apps to install.
Some apps are not available in the office store. You will have to download a APK installation file from the internet and then install it manually. This is called side-loading. For Android TV this might also require you to install an extra interfacing application to be able to launch the side loaded app.

You can find some extra info at: https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/access-sideloaded-apps-android-tv/
I have the shield is the best box for me outthere. Ive testet apple tv and amazon fire tv but nvidia is the best.
What does "sideloaded" mean? What other kinds of loading are there?

For easier understanding:

Android TV has apps specially meant for Android TV.
With sideloading, you will get access to apps which are NOT meant for Android TV but works with Android TV. Basically, you'll get access to all the apps Android offers. The only thing you'll need is the "Sideload Launcher" and install apps through third party websites/stores (APK's).
Soon 2019, what do you use for iptv? In the livingroom I set the perfect player up. It works perfect, but I wonder if it wouldn't be better with a emulator? Or is it just to try it, I own the iptv extreme pro aswell so I'm thinking about trying that one. What are the thoughts in this department? Do you guys recommend anything? It feels like sideloading will only contribute with problems.