For anyone who wants to permanently disable auto updates on their mag322 (could work on other mag boxes too) follow the below steps.
1. load a pub firmware version onto your mag so that you can ssh into the box (not gonna explain how, google for pub firmware)
2. ssh into the box and go to this directory /home/web/system/updater (i assume you know what ssh is and how to use it)
3. we need to edit this file: index.min.js with the command vi index.min.js (you can use other editors, I chose to use vi)
4. replace the following:
(echo("updater.js => need update"),this.Update.Start(this.update_url)
with this:
(echo("updater.js => need update"),stbWebWindow.messageSend(getWindowIdByName(WINDOWS.PORTAL)||1,"AutoUpdateWindow:closed",""),stbWebWindow.close()
5. save the file and reboot
What the above essentially does is that if the box thinks it needs an update, it will make auto update close before any further processing. This is especially useful if, for example, your portal pushes auto updates as mine does. No matter what, auto update will close and you won't even see the window pop up on screen.
In all my searching on the internet, I haven't come across a method like the one above to block auto updates. Maybe there is an easier method, I don't know, but this method works for me and should work for you if done properly.
Enjoy no auto updates!