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Turtorial: Xstream TV addon for Engima 2


Can anyone please help? Had to reflash zgemma box and when tring to put script back on box I get the below errors:
-------------------- < Script > ----------------------------
find /medi
a/hdd/ -type d > /tmp/playlist.rcc; echo ">>> DONE <
>>> DONE <<<
pkg install /tmp/XtreamTV_0.0.1_armv7a.ipk
Refusing to load file '/tmp/XtreamTV_0.0.1_armv7a.ipk' as it matches the installed version of XtreamTV (0.0.1).
Unknown package '/tmp/XtreamTV_0.0.1_armv7a.ipk'.
Collected errors:
* opkg_solver_install: Cannot install package /tmp/XtreamTV_0.0.1_armv7a.ipk.
root@zgemmah2s:~# opkg install /tmp/XtreamTV_0.0.1_mips32el.ipk
Refusing to load file '/tmp/XtreamTV_0.0.1_mips32el.ipk' as it matches the installed version of XtreamTV (0.0.1).
Unknown package '/tmp/XtreamTV_0.0.1_mips32el.ipk'.
Collected errors:
* opkg_solver_install: Cannot install package /tmp/XtreamTV_0.0.1_mips32el.ipk.
root@zgemmah2s:~# opkg install /tmp/XtreamTV_0.0.1_mipsel.ipk
Refusing to load file '/tmp/XtreamTV_0.0.1_mipsel.ipk' as it matches the installed version of XtreamTV (0.0.1).
Unknown package '/tmp/XtreamTV_0.0.1_mipsel.ipk'.
Collected errors:
* opkg_solver_install: Cannot install package /tmp/XtreamTV_0.0.1_mipsel.ipk.
root@zgemmah2s:~# opkg install /tmp/XtreamTV_0.0.1_sh4.ipk

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
Ok saw now you tried mipsel32el, so thats for your box.

Uninstall the current version first: opkg list_installed | grep XtreamTV then opkg remove Xtreme xxx

Then try to install again opkg install /tmp/XtreamTV_0.0.1_mips32el.ipk
Thank you for your answer.
I have a hard drive plug in on my box.
How i must do to can record?
You can record through the epg (you must watch on the screen what color button you have to push)
And directly with the record button on the remote...
But not all providers aprove recordings so when this not works?Stack don't approve records!
Good luck.
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You can record through the epg (you must watch on the screen what color button you have to push)
And directly with the record button on the remote...
But not all providers aprove recordings so when this not works?Stack don't approve records!
Good luck.
Hi again, thank you for your help,
Press de red botton nothing happening and using the epg don't have any option to push.
Then i think recordings are not aloud by Stack....the HD is correct working?
It's correct working, in fact a can record any channel sending the channels to the box using e-channelizer app.
But the problem using tis method, is the update of de channels and VOD's can't work..