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Tutorial: Kodi (iptv.community Addon)

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IPTV Community

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Jun 3, 2015
Download the plugin from here:


For pc put the file in the c:/ location, for all other devices put it on a thumb drive

Open Kodi 17:

Go to add-ons and click on it

Click on the box on the top left corner:

Choose install from zipfile:

Now choose your location where you moved the zip file to a thumb drive or in this case the C: location

Click on the plugin.video.IPTV.community.zip and wait for it to install

Best IPTV will install now

Go back to the start screen
Press on addon again

Then choose video addon

And in the right field find the IPTV Community addon and open it

On the next step you have to fill in the username and password. you can find this in your m3u link or ask your reseller:

Please note: Host should be: http://kodi.clientportal.link

Press ok

You will now have the choice to start live tv or VOD (not included in trials)

you will enter a screen where you can choose the country you want to watch

Please use the addon on Kodi 17 ( 16. and 18 are not stable with this addon).
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