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Viasat sport motor Sweden

Yeah, I’ve had enough of this - will look for another provider. I guess all on this site use the same servers right?
If anyone know another provider with this channel working on race day please PM.
Yep. They have even added a backup channel and it was dead aswell. What a joke.
Channel died on raceday AGAIN.. DOES ANYONE from Rapid ever read anything in this fxxx forum????
Autocorrect…. Can admin please reply to this so that we(users) know that you are aware of the problem and let us know what you will do to fix it..
Raceday chanel died…. Annoying as hell!!! Can admin confitm what actions are made to prevent this??
i allways watch sky on the UK list when it’s F1. Better commentators and better coverage V-Sport Motor Sve works fine with Moto GP racea tho.

Well i like the swedish commentators far more than the ones on Sky…

well fingers crossed, the odds must be lower then last race so lets give it 0.002% that it works today