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Epg dreambox

yes i use it, but cant link the channels. i need the service reference in lamedb otherwise epg will not work
yes i use it, but cant link the channels. i need the service reference in lamedb otherwise epg will not work
Hello, you are right you need to index satelite transponder and channel name for every channel with epg source. To start with please try this tool, please read first help file included in package, https://send.firefox.com/download/7afdb4d0b1/#11oDQGQyTd7NaFbzUVaBkA

1. Use of makeref.vbs. Attached
copy this file into a folder together with the lamedb file. Run the makeref.vbs file (it is a visual Basic script).
A file will be written in the same folder. In thsi file the refs are now given in the correct syntax.

2. Make a bouquet of the channels you want to provide epg to in dreamset or dreamboxedit. Save the info to folder on your PC.
Open this folder and look to the files: userbouquet.dbe11.tv and similar.
Open the file which corresponds to the bouquet you just made.
All the refs for the channels are in this file (it is a text file. However the channelnames are missing. But the order is the same as in the bouquet you have made.

3. Use reference generator. This is written for the rytec packages, but can be adapted to your sources. for this you have to edit the drop downbox on the setup page with your own information. This is information from which I say into the help not to edit. To adapt to your own sources - you have to edit them.

Let me know,
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You need service reference only if you have a XMLTV EPG source from satellite or Rytec sources. Rytec has no USA sources and I'm in Europe so no chance to get USA EPG from SAT.

My USA EPG working fine with xmltv, check the pic and also EPG for a single channel
You absolutely do not need to link any channel to lamedb or anything, use Suls script and feed it with providers m3u and xmltv.php link, all done.
where do u get your epg sources ? and which service reference has your e.g. ABC Channel ?
Forget the service reference, that has nothing to do with IPTV, its a SATELLITE REFERENCE!!! :)

Read from the start this thread, install suls script https://www.suls.co.uk/enigma2-iptv-bouquets-with-epg/

Suls script sucks the m3u from the IPTV provider + the EPG url from same provider i.e provider.com/xmltv.php

I have Rapid and a few other providers, and script will sort out bouquets like this and EPG under provider name will be listed into EpgImporter plugin which you can enable automatically to download at certain time and providers.

The script will map provider channels with providers epg and insert them into lamedb and obviously show them into bouquets.
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i dont wanna install this script. and i dont want boquets like you have. i have my own sorting and mixed with real channels. this works very well and is nice. only thing that wont work is US epg. because i dont have any us channel in my lamedb i think. i think your script create these channels in your lamedb :-). Enigma links EPG with service references , there is no way to do it without service references !!!
True but script will insert references mapped to provider channels which are mapped to provider epg.

I leave bouquets like this as they are updated every 24h, but of course I make my own mixed bouquets then with channels from different providers, i.e UK_Movies, World_Sports, USA/CA etc.which are listed on top of bouquets on Enigma and are easy to access.
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In Plugin Description : "Also creates unique service references for use with EPG importers "
but can you send me your lameDB ? i can try to extract the needed channels and merge them with my lamedb
I've installed version 0.7.7 does this working too or did i need v 0.7.3 ? i edit config.xml

i use 0.7.7 only the .py filem i dont install the plugin.

yes enter details of provider on config.xml, mine looks like this

<name>RAPID</name> <!-- Supplier Name -->
<enabled>1</enabled> <!-- Enable or disable the supplier (0 or 1) -->
<m3uurl><![CDATA[http://clientportal.link/get.php?username=xxxxx&password=xxxxx&type=m3u_plus&output=ts]]></m3uurl> <!-- Extended M3U URL including your username and password -->
<epgurl><![CDATA[http://clientportal.link/xmltv.php?username=xxxxx&password=xxxxx]]></epgurl> <!-- XML EPG URL including your username and password -->
<iptvtypes>0</iptvtypes> <!-- Change all streams to IPTV type (0 or 1) -->
<multivod>1</multivod> <!-- Split VOD into seperate categories (0 or 1) -->
<allbouquet>1</allbouquet> <!-- Create all channels bouquet -->
<picons>0</picons> <!-- Automatically download Picons (0 or 1) -->
<iconpath>/media/usb/picon/</iconpath> <!-- Location to store picons -->
<xcludesref>0</xcludesref> <!-- Disable service ref overriding from override.xml file (0 or 1) -->
<bouqueturl></bouqueturl> <!-- URL to download providers bouquet - to map custom service references -->
<bouquetdownload>0</bouquetdownload> <!-- Download providers bouquet (use default url) - to map custom service references -->
<bouquettop>0</bouquettop> <!-- Place IPTV bouquets at top (0 or 1)-->
Download this xml http://www.fast-files.com/getfile.aspx?file=160339 and put it on /etc/epgimport/

Then go to Plugins, Epg-Importer and see if you can see Rapidxml2 listed, click it then it should open some sources, tick all and save or select one and Manual Download see if it starts downloading.

the bouqet import has worked with this script, np. thanks. so now the EPG thing.
i cant download your file on fast-files ? can you reup ?
i see rapids US epg does not contain US epg information :-( any other link to use ?
thanks so no US chans in your lamedb ... hmmm..
can you upload your /etc/epgimport/suls_iptv_rapid_channels.xml ?
i understand now how it works,the channel.xml link the service ref to the channel id but sul isnt compatible with the estiptv epg.
sul gives me :
<channel id="ABC US">1:0:1:8e3f:d0ab:3515:0:0:0:0:http%3a//example.m3u8</channel> <!-- ABC HD US -->
estiptv us epg say:
<channel id="ABC East US">

so ABC US != ABC East US

i can change it now to ABC East US, then i think it will work, but there is any automatic way ?

a good tool to set epg refences is the e-channelizer
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