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Epg dreambox

i´m not able to download the file from fast-files just ads nothing more....

please upload to something like filedropper.com
managed to download it....... fast-files is sh*t........

ok, i´ve checked one source and even all sources in Rapid2xml - 0 events

if i check Rytec source everything is working

Very soon i will have an enigma2 rapidiptv epg converter. Stay tuned.

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these lines from the epg importer log are interesting:

[XMLTVConverter] Enumerating event information
[EPGImport] ### thread is ready ### Events: 0
[EPGImport] imported 0 events

XMLTV converter ---> is there a config for the converting rules ?
I have OpenPLI with vuzero and I just followed the tutorial here to make IPTV work with my box. Is there any way I can get EPG to work?
I'm just too stupid for that! Can someone help me get EPG for German channels?

I have the last VTi image on my Solu2

I have installed

Then I wanted to do that:
python e2m3u2bouquet.py -m "http://provider.com:80/get.php?username=xxxxxx&password=xxxxxx&type=m3u_plus&output=ts" -e "http://provider.com:80/xmltv.php?username= xxxxxx & password = xxxxxx "

I received that:
python: can not open file 'e2m3u2bouquet.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Where can I get the login, username and passowort?

What do I have to replace provider.com with?

What do I do with it?

root @ vusolo2: / etc / enigma2 / e2m3u2bouquet # ls
config.xml e2m3u2bouquet.py

root @ vusolo2: / etc / epgimport # ls
germanyNEU.xml rytec.sources.xml

Thank you
Download this https://github.com/su1s/e2m3u2bouquet/releases/download/v0.7.6/e2m3u2bouquet_v0.7.6.zip unzip and copy the e2m3u2bouquet.py to /home/root
Terminal to box then issue: chmod 777 e2m3u2bouquet.py

Edit the file config.xml in /etc/enigma2/e2m3u2bouquet/

Add this:

<name>RAPID</name> <!-- Supplier Name -->
<enabled>0</enabled> <!-- Enable or disable the supplier (0 or 1) -->
<m3uurl><![CDATA[http://provider.com:80/get.php?username=xxxxxx&password=xxxxxx&type=m3u_plus&output=ts]]></m3uurl> <!-- Extended M3U URL including your username and password -->
<epgurl><![CDATA[http://provider.com:80/xmltv.php?username=xxxxxx&password=xxxxxx&type=m3u_plus&output=ts]]></epgurl> <!-- XML EPG URL including your username and password -->
<iptvtypes>0</iptvtypes> <!-- Change all streams to IPTV type (0 or 1) -->
<multivod>1</multivod> <!-- Split VOD into seperate categories (0 or 1) -->
<allbouquet>1</allbouquet> <!-- Create all channels bouquet -->
<picons>0</picons> <!-- Automatically download Picons (0 or 1) -->
<iconpath>/media/usb/picon/</iconpath> <!-- Location to store picons -->
<xcludesref>0</xcludesref> <!-- Disable service ref overriding from override.xml file (0 or 1) -->
<bouqueturl></bouqueturl> <!-- URL to download providers bouquet - to map custom service references -->
<bouquetdownload>0</bouquetdownload> <!-- Download providers bouquet (use default url) - to map custom service references -->
<bouquettop>0</bouquettop> <!-- Place IPTV bouquets at top (0 or 1)-->


Then run on terminal ./e2m3u2bouquet.py let it download channels, then open in Plugins Epg-Importer pligin, go to Sources with Blue button you should see Rapid, click on it, save with green, go again and press Yellow for manual import, also enable Automtic EPG import in main screen, i have mine at 5am.
Hi Jaha, thank you for your help.

Unfortunately, this does not work:

root @ vusolo2: ~ # chmod 777 e2m3u2bouquet.py
root @ vusolo2: ~ # ./e2m3u2bouquet.py

E2m3u2bouquet - Config based setup

root @ vusolo2: ~ #

EPGImporter shows me no choice Rapid :(
What is wrong? 0 events

This is my config:

<name>RAPID</name> <!-- Supplier Name -->
<enabled>1</enabled> <!-- Enable or disable the supplier (0 or 1) -->
<m3uurl><![CDATA[http://tv.unABCDtv.xdns.pro/get.php?username=ABCDEF&password=ABCDEFG&type=m3u_plus&output=ts]]></m3uurl> <!-- Extended M3U URL including your username and password -->
<epgurl><![CDATA[http://tv.unABCDtv.xdns.pro/xmltv.php?username=ABCDEF&password=ABCDEFG&type=m3u_plus&output=ts]]></epgurl> <!-- XML EPG URL including your username and password -->
<iptvtypes>0</iptvtypes> <!-- Change all streams to IPTV type (0 or 1) -->
<multivod>1</multivod> <!-- Split VOD into seperate categories (0 or 1) -->
<allbouquet>1</allbouquet> <!-- Create all channels bouquet -->
<picons>0</picons> <!-- Automatically download Picons (0 or 1) -->
<iconpath>/media/usb/picon/</iconpath> <!-- Location to store picons -->
<xcludesref>0</xcludesref> <!-- Disable service ref overriding from override.xml file (0 or 1) -->
<bouqueturl></bouqueturl> <!-- URL to download providers bouquet - to map custom service references -->
<bouquetdownload>0</bouquetdownload> <!-- Download providers bouquet (use default url) - to map custom service references -->
<bouquettop>0</bouquettop> <!-- Place IPTV bouquets at top (0 or 1)-->
my enigma is quite perfect... own bouqets, picons epg... BUT
has anyone get US TV working ?
i need a lamedb with the US Channels to link them with our iptv chans here.
if the channels aren't in the lamedb, epg will not get linked.