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Epg dreambox

Thanks, but no luck for me, still on /etc/epgimport i see only the suls_iptv_rapidiptv.sources.xml (containing epg url/user/pass) but no suls_iptv_channels.xml from m3u, somehow its not parsing m3u at all.
Strange when it works for me but the big question is why it doesn't work directly from clientportal when the file is exactly the same and link is same style as other services.
I made an example sources file that Rytec can use for importing different EPG

<sourcecat sourcecatname="IPTV XMLTV">
<source type="gen_xmltv" channels="/etc/epgimport/suls_iptv_channels.xml">
<description>Rapid EPG</description>
<source type="gen_xmltv" channels="/etc/epgimport/suls_iptv_channels.xml">
<description>ESTIPTV Scandinavia</description>
<url>http://estiptv******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN *******/epg/SCAND_guide.xml</url>
<source type="gen_xmltv" channels="/etc/epgimport/suls_iptv_channels.xml">
<description>ESTIPTV Europe</description>
<source type="gen_xmltv" channels="/etc/epgimport/suls_iptv_channels.xml">
<description>ESTIPTV East Europe</description>
<url>http://estiptv******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN *******/epg/EEU_guide.xml</url>
<source type="gen_xmltv" channels="/etc/epgimport/suls_iptv_channels.xml">
<description>ESTIPTV United States</description>
<url>http://estiptv******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN *******/epg/AMER_guide.xml</url>

Replace username and password if you want to use Rapid EPG
Ofcourse script must work and import channellists otherwise it won't work.
Have anyone got i working with his enigma plugin? I tried entering RAPIDIPTV as provider and then filled my Username and Password, but it won't get any channels. Just starts and the quits directly.

When checking the log it just says Starting backend script and on the second line Finished backend script.
Have anyone got i working with his enigma plugin? I tried entering RAPIDIPTV as provider and then filled my Username and Password, but it won't get any channels. Just starts and the quits directly.

When checking the log it just says Starting backend script and on the second line Finished backend script.
It doesn't work witg RAPIDIPTV as provider or whole link either.
You need to download it and upload to own webserver or somewhere else then it works.
Maybe it works with URL shorterner haven't tested that.
Have anyone got i working with his enigma plugin? I tried entering RAPIDIPTV as provider and then filled my Username and Password, but it won't get any channels. Just starts and the quits directly.

When checking the log it just says Starting backend script and on the second line Finished backend script.
It doesn't work witg RAPIDIPTV as provider or whole link either.
You need to download it and upload to own webserver or somewhere else then it works.
Maybe it works with URL shorterner haven't tested that.
Got it working using URL, my reseller uses his own DNS, don't know if that has anything to do with it :)
Rapid given up on Enigma devices.

Most shitty IPTV provider provide EPG for Enigma through EpgImport


With 0.6.3 of e2m3ubouquet it will work with both EPG and picons.
It will ofcourse be same EPG as MAG portal so better add and use ESTIPTV or another EPG compatible with Rapid.
Hey Freddy, works fine thanks, tried clientportal epg and estiptv, pretty poor, maybe 50% filled.

Could do with some better sources!
You can add overrides to get EPG for missing channels but ofcourse need some work.
Haven't been looked at that yet because with Rapid + ESTIPTV i get EPG on most important channels for me.
I have installed the plugin setup the plugin have it in epg importer but it say ) downloaded ? what I'm doing wrong ?
Hi guys,

I have the following in the channels:

<channel id="FoxSports4.nl">1:0:19:2009:2009:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//example.com</channel></channel><!-- Fox Sport 4 HD -->
<channel id="FoxSports5.nl">1:0:19:2010:2010:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//example.com</channel></channel><!-- Fox Sports 5 Eredivisie -->
<channel id="FoxSports6.nl">1:0:19:2011:2011:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//example.com</channel></channel><!-- FOX Sports 6 HD -->

FoxSports4 show EPG OK, but FoxSports5 and FoxSports6 not (nothing). How is that posible? What I am doing wrong?

Stream reference for FoxSports6 is also set 1:0:19:2011:2011:0:0:0:0:0

Help appriciated.