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Epg dreambox

Yes, nothing being downloaded, EPG is missing from: http://clientportal.link:8080/xmltv.php because nothing is there.

Example from other provider contains 2 xml files inside /etc/epgimport

1. channels.xml = Lists channels service reference, sample below:
<!-- IPTVRapid -->
<channel id="Channel 4 HD UK:">1:0:1:84d9:391f:cb3e:0:0:0:0:http%3a//example.m3u8</channel> <!-- Channel 4 HD UK: -->

Buquet name on Enigma: IPTVRapid
channel id= Channel name inside that Buquet
1:0:1xxx service reference of that channel

2. source.xml file: File that directs the EPG where to downloas the EPG for those channels:'


<source type="gen_xmltv" channels="/etc/epgimport/rapid.channels.xml">

Not a rocket science, but I guess priority is crappy chinese Boxes and Kodi people buy and not proper Enigma box made for TV!!! :)
So how does the other work then? I have a few services and it 's same on all of them.
And yes it's Xtream-Codes so it works the same as Rapid.
The meaning of that script is to not need to edit any files.
I dont know how Xtreme works, I think it pulls channel and EPG same time and shows it.

If you only need to make EPG work for a few channels than you can do it easier with E-Channelizer, drag and drop from Satellite channel to IPTV channel, I have a few like that.
This script reads Channel and EPG data from Xtream-Codes and makes own service references.
That without any editor or anything but something is wrong with Rapid.
Most IPTV services use Xtream-Codes.
We just need channels.xml on EpgImport with references, nothing else.

We should not need any other Plugins to watch IPTV, Enigma should suck the EPG and channels, simple, works on others.
It's no plugin it's a script that downloads EPG and makes bouquets.
Or yes there is a plugin to configure it but the thing that download the EPG is a script so you don't need to download the plugin.
Ofcourse you're welcome to give us your channel.xml data if you have it.
Did not work for me that thing, is it working for you?

I made 2 pics with manual epg fix, and sure they work. (sorry double pics)


  • channel 4 epg.jpg
    channel 4 epg.jpg
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  • sky movies epg.jpg
    sky movies epg.jpg
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  • channel 4 epg.jpg
    channel 4 epg.jpg
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  • sky movies epg.jpg
    sky movies epg.jpg
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I know it works with manual fix that's how i have done for now but not for all groups.
This script does basically same thing automatic just that it uses own service references and IPTV services EPG data instead of Rytec.
But it uses Rytecs EPG Importer to import data like manual way.
Yes other provider, I just inserted 1 Rapid reference at the bottom, following the script logic.
Something that script is supposed to fix in a few seconds except downloading picons that takes a while.
Something that script is supposed to fix in a few seconds except downloading picons that takes a while.
Ofcourse you only get EPG for channels Rapid have EPG for.
But you can use override file for missing channels.
Atleast if everything worked as it should.