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Epg dreambox

It is not working for me:

python e2m3u2bouquet.py -m "http://clientportal.link:8080/get.php?username=xxxxx&password=xxxxx&type=m3u_plus&output=ts" -e "http://clientportal.link:8080/xmltv.php?username=xxxx&password=xxxx"

Starting Engima2 IPTV bouquets
2017-09-02 20:56:16.669105

----Downloading m3u file----
----Parsing m3u file----
----Running uninstall----
Removing old IPTV bouquets...
Removing IPTV custom channels...
Removing IPTV bouquets from bouquets.tv...
----Uninstall complete----
Completed parsing data...
----Creating bouquets----
bouquets created ...
----Creating EPG-Importer config ----
EPG-Importer config created...
----Reloading bouquets----
bouquets reloaded...
Engima2 IPTV bouquets created !
To enable EPG data
Please open EPG-Importer plugin..
Select sources and enable the new IPTV sources (will be listed as E2m3u2Bouquet)
Save the selected sources, press yellow button to start manual import
You can then set EPG-Importer to automatically import the EPG every day

Creates the EpgImport scripts

but the suls_iptv_channels.xml is empty from channels, and when you want to download the EPG it downloads 0 events.
Yeah that's the problem it's supposed to fill that xml file with channels from m3u file and create own references.
I also tried on external xml file from estiptv with same results.
When comparing Rapid's m3u file with others like FABIPTV that is supported i can't see any difference in structure.
Maybe some Rapid coder here can talk to Suls at suls.co.uk and have this fixed, a lot of providers work fine.
And a lot of clients run away from Rapid due to Enigma EPG missing.

Obviously I have a couple of Andoroid Boxes which are a joke for TV.

Rapid, help us Enigma boys :)
Hmm i removed the channelgroups separators from m3u file and downloaded from local place and then that script worked.
Seems that the script doesn't like names like this "▬ African Countries [AFR] ▬"
Just removed lines like this
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="▬ African Countries [AFR] ▬"
and the .ts link after in all places i found it on.

Feels like it should be an easy fix in the script to make it work as it should.
Starting Engima2 IPTV bouquets v0.6.1
2017-09-02 22:33:17.912491

----Downloading m3u file----
----Parsing m3u file----
----Parsing custom bouquet order----
custom bouquet order parsed...
----Parsing custom channel order, please be patient----
sorting African Countries
sorting Albania
sorting Arab Countries
sorting Austria
sorting beIN Media Group
sorting Belgium
sorting Bulgaria
sorting Czech Republic
sorting Denmark
sorting Estonia
sorting ex-Yu Countries
sorting Finland
sorting France
sorting Germany
sorting Greece
sorting Hungary
sorting Romania
sorting Southeast Asian Countries
sorting Iran
sorting Italy
sorting Kurdistan
sorting Latin America
sorting Macedonia
sorting Netherlands
sorting Norway
sorting Other Countries
sorting South Asian Countries
sorting Poland
sorting Portugal
sorting Russia
sorting Spain
sorting Sweden
sorting Switzerland
sorting Turkey
sorting United Kingdom
sorting Premier League
sorting United States
sorting For Adults
custom channel order parsed...
Completed parsing data...
----Creating bouquets----
bouquets created ...
----Creating EPG-Importer config ----
EPG-Importer config created...
----Reloading bouquets----
bouquets reloaded...
Engima2 IPTV bouquets created !
To enable EPG data
Please open EPG-Importer plugin..
Select sources and enable the new IPTV sources (will be listed as E2m3u2Bouquet)
Save the selected sources, press yellow button to start manual import
You can then set EPG-Importer to automatically import the EPG every day
  • Like
Reactions: wombat
After some more tests it worked on my downloaded file without changes too with exactly same link i tried on that script.
Very strange.
That script must have some problems with downloading the m3u file from portal it seems.
Yes i downloaded it to own local webserver and used that link instead and then it works.
I tired same from my local server, but still at 0 downloaded.

Share the code!!! :P
Thanks, but what did you change on m3u? What did you take off? How does the lines look?
