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Epg dreambox

hello, can someone please help me get EPG on Enigma2? (I have openATV)? is there an automated way? Thanks!

i use 0.7.7 only the .py filem i dont install the plugin.

yes enter details of provider on config.xml, mine looks like this

<name>RAPID</name> <!-- Supplier Name -->
<enabled>1</enabled> <!-- Enable or disable the supplier (0 or 1) -->
<m3uurl><![CDATA[http://clientportal.link/get.php?username=xxxxx&password=xxxxx&type=m3u_plus&output=ts]]></m3uurl> <!-- Extended M3U URL including your username and password -->
<epgurl><![CDATA[http://clientportal.link/xmltv.php?username=xxxxx&password=xxxxx]]></epgurl> <!-- XML EPG URL including your username and password -->
<iptvtypes>0</iptvtypes> <!-- Change all streams to IPTV type (0 or 1) -->
<multivod>1</multivod> <!-- Split VOD into seperate categories (0 or 1) -->
<allbouquet>1</allbouquet> <!-- Create all channels bouquet -->
<picons>0</picons> <!-- Automatically download Picons (0 or 1) -->
<iconpath>/media/usb/picon/</iconpath> <!-- Location to store picons -->
<xcludesref>0</xcludesref> <!-- Disable service ref overriding from override.xml file (0 or 1) -->
<bouqueturl></bouqueturl> <!-- URL to download providers bouquet - to map custom service references -->
<bouquetdownload>0</bouquetdownload> <!-- Download providers bouquet (use default url) - to map custom service references -->
<bouquettop>0</bouquettop> <!-- Place IPTV bouquets at top (0 or 1)-->

I've followed suls guide and your helpful posts and have got to the stage where EPGImporter reads 1396 lines however the EPG never populates the bouquets.

When I tick picons, it downloads the picons into the correct directory as well but they are never displayed either.

I'm sure I have done everything correctly, eg both urls if entered into a web browser download the m3u file and show my epg. I must be missing some final step.

I've also tried pli, blackhole I just can't the epg to populate.

Any ideas at all?
i just can recommend try e-channelizer its more easier for all... did you have turn on show picons ? which image do u use? which box do u have ? questions over questions ;-)
i just can recommend try e-channelizer its more easier for all... did you have turn on show picons ? which image do u use? which box do u have ? questions over questions ;-)

I managed to get it working, I had already tried openpli and blackhole without success. However it works great in Openvix, with picons in the channel list and the info bar.

The epg populates about 24 hours ahead, is that about right? I get approx 85% of channels populate.
EDIT: Just to add this is with SULS script. I'd like to get this method working 100% first and then I'll have a go at e-channelizer.
why does the plugin stop working?
has always worked great.
since 3 weeks it does not work anymore , maybe someone can help me

thanks a lot
Hallo still no answer,

sorry but maybe someone can help me. My E2m3u2bouquet v0.8.2
has always worked great. But now since 2 months. it does not work anymore.
maybe you can help with instruction
what I have to do exactly, settings? thanks a lot

Best regards
How do you configure or/and import EPG into XCplugin?? I had XCPlugin successfully installed and worked fine. There is a menu button labeled as EPG But there is no EPG working. Please any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance