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Problem: ”cannot open url”
Country: Sweden
Witch type of device/app: GSE smart tv app for IPad and iphone
Channel names: All channels.
Problem: no EPG
Country: Netherlands
Witch type of device/app: SMART IPTV APP
Channel names: all o f the -Film1- channels
Problem: No EPG
Country: Sweden
Witch type of device/app: MAG box
Channel names: All Swedish channel.
Problem: No EPG
Country: Sweden
Witch type of device/app: Xbox One X
Channel names: A lot of missing Swedish channels. Do you want us/me to figure out which channels are missing? PM me.
Open the xml directly from the dashboard and search for channel="svt for me and tell me how many hits you get?

I did a little more digging. The xml-file from the dashboard only has 13 channels:
<channel id="Kanal5.se">
<channel id="Kanal9.se">
<channel id="Kanal11.se">
<channel id="DisneyXD.se">
<channel id="DisneyChannel.se">
<channel id="Kunskapskanalen.se">
<channel id="DiscoveryScience.se">
<channel id="DiscoveryWorld.se">
<channel id="EEntertainment.se">
<channel id="Eurosport2.se">
<channel id="MTV.se">
<channel id="InvestigationDiscovery.se">
<channel id="FOX.se">

All other channels are missing from the swedish epg-file.
im connecting through mag portal so i dont have to mess around with epg files , on my side connecting through mag portal i get all the epg (well im missing like on 15 channels) but no big deal for me
Channel Name:All Channels
Problem:No EPG
Which type of device/ app: Portal on Z8
Channel Name:All Channels
Problem:No EPG
Which type of device/ app: Tivimate, and Perfect Player
Channel Name:All Channels
Problem:No EPG
Which type of device/ app: GSE IPTV and Perfect Player
Channel Name: Most German Channels

Problem: No EPG Information
Country: Switzerland/Germany/Austria
Which type of device/ app: Formuler Z8
Channel Name: French and Spanish group.
Problem: EPG titles don't show special characters (accents). The description does include them correctly.
Country: Spain
Which type of device/ app: Perfect Player, Kodi, TiviMate
Channel Name: French and Spanish group.
Problem: EPG titles don't show special characters (accents). The description does include them correctly.
Country: Spain
Which type of device/ app: Perfect Player, Kodi, TiviMate

Same problem with Estonian EPG, no special chatacters ä, ö ü. õ All scandinavian special characters missing also. Fully missing cyrillic letters in russian EPG
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Reactions: Edvardsen
Channel Name: French and Spanish group.
Problem: EPG titles don't show special characters (accents). The description does include them correctly.
Country: Spain
Which type of device/ app: Perfect Player, Kodi, TiviMate

Same Problem for Channels Switzerland, Germany and Austria