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Raspberry Pi Technical Issues

I've recently got my hands on a Rasberry Pi 3 Model B and Installed OpenElec. I tried to load the channel list(.m3u with options) with PVR Simple IPTV client, the channel list loads fine, but i can't choose any group, the only option I get is All Channels and it would be nice to be able to select groups like UK,US,DK and so on.

Have I missed something setting playlist and epg up in OpenElec/Kodi?

Is OpenElec the best option for IPTV on a Rasberry or should I try another Distro like LibreElec?

Any suggestions on which Distro to use, jjust for IPTV and EPG.

On my Android box it just runs perfect, but i'm quite new to rasberry so a little help would be appriciated :)
I think I found the problem myself

The Load Groups from backend option was switched off in Settings>PVR and Live TV Settings in Kodi.

Now I just got to get channel logos working :oops:
Personally i use OSMC on my Rpi 3b.
I've added EPG for the channels i watch and a few scripts to get the channel-list as small as i can.
Hi :) I am running Kodi/OSMC on my RPi 3 with PVR IPTV Simple Client. My problem is, that my channel list is empty as soon as I reboot the RPi. So I need to click again configure in the PVR IPTV Settings and afterwards Disable and Enable the service again to get my channels back again. Any Ideas?