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Trying to build the best IPTV app for iOS

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I did pause it for a bit. Now I'm back full time at it. Both iOS and tvOS apps are compatible with the latest OS.

I'm currently working on the most requested features (in order): EPG, Creating Groups and Favourites, and a Mac version.

Let me know if you have any doubt or feedback!

Glad to hear that you’re working on the requests. Can’t wait to try it out soon.
I like the simplicity of it. Not a fan of the color scheme, seems boring to me, or maybe neutral is just what everyone looks for in players. Functionality is great though.
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Reactions: Tiago Martinho
The players good. on the iPhone X/XS and 11 the channel icons and the player controls are stretched... can this be looked into? the rest is pretty good. also, the option to disable the hardware acceleration as it causes issues on some channels I watch where every 3-4 seconds it pauses for half a second. the other players that have the option to disable hardware acceleration dont gave this issue.
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Reactions: Tiago Martinho
The players good. on the iPhone X/XS and 11 the channel icons and the player controls are stretched... can this be looked into? the rest is pretty good. also, the option to disable the hardware acceleration as it causes issues on some channels I watch where every 3-4 seconds it pauses for half a second. the other players that have the option to disable hardware acceleration dont gave this issue.
Thank you for the feedback! Can you send me in private an example where this issue occur? It will help to solve the issue.
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Reactions: kelix
I bought te app but streaming off live TV to the Chrome Cast doesn't seem to work. Streaming movies works.
I bought te app but streaming off live TV to the Chrome Cast doesn't seem to work. Streaming movies works.

Thx for the answer, but I use a Apple Phone to stream to my chrome cast