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Useful links

If your m3u link is to long for typing you can use an url shortener. Google URL shortener are public accessible
Hi Rusax

Smart IPTV has got a wrong internet-link, please fix it.

"Smart IPTV: www.http://sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN *******"
Hi Rusax

What is the different between EPG and EPG Generator ?

EPG List: http://epg.clientportal.link/
EPG Generator: https://epg.iptv.community/generator.html

Hi Rusax

What is the different between EPG and EPG Generator ?

EPG List: http://epg.clientportal.link/
EPG Generator: https://epg.iptv.community/generator.html

Is it necessary to insert the EPG in MAG box?

No the Mag get his epg form the portal. but is under construction
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Hi Rusax

What is the different between EPG and EPG Generator ?

EPG List: http://epg.clientportal.link/
EPG Generator: https://epg.iptv.community/generator.html
we dont have anymore EPG Generator option.
Bucause now we have full EPG in one file (https://epg.iptv.community/generator.html)
Is it just me, or does the last modified date show April 10, 2017 for the combined file?
The individual guides are from Oct. 6, 2017.
Hi Rusax

What is the different between EPG and EPG Generator ?

EPG List: http://epg.clientportal.link/
EPG Generator: https://epg.iptv.community/generator.html
we dont have anymore EPG Generator option.
Bucause now we have full EPG in one file (https://epg.iptv.community/generator.html)
Is it just me, or does the last modified date show April 10, 2017 for the combined file?
The individual guides are from Oct. 6, 2017.
it is not only for you. The last modified date show April 10, 2017 for the combined file.
The issue has been forward to our technical team.
Thank you for your pacient and sorry for the inconvinience.
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Don't use the Google URL shortener. Because they are public and can be accessed by anyone! @Russax Please remove this option

i will delete the google one, i always use bit.ly without problem

Im trying the bilty URL shortener and can´t really get it to work, anything special i need to do?

Except copy paste my link then press "shorten"? cuz it is not working.

Rusax put R in your signature in World :)