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Serie name: Vis a vis / locked up
Subtitle: Eng
Episode or Season: Seasons 1-4
rottentomatoes link:

Coming in the next weeks.

Series Name: The Morning Show
Subtitle: English
Season: Season 1
imdb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7203552/


Serie name: Sons of Anarchy
Subtitle: Swe, Eng
Episode or Season: Seasons 1-7

Imdb/rottentomatoes link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1124373/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0

Would be nice to watch in the coming holidays

Merry Christmas

Coming in the next weeks
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Reactions: jackelwyre
Movie: Taken
Subtitle: eng
Year: 2009
Imdb/rottentomatoes link:

Movie: Taken 2
Subtitle: eng
Year: 2012
Imdb/rottentomatoes link:

Movie: Taken 3
Subtitle: eng
Year: 2015
Imdb/rottentomatoes link:
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Reactions: FiyiK
Movie: The assassination of Jesse James
Imdb/rottentomatoes link:

Imdb/rottentomatoes link:
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Reactions: FiyiK