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Movie: the page master
Imdb/rottentomatoes link: https:// m.imdb.com/title/tt0110763/

My little one adores this film he watched it on our other provider would be amazing to get this added!

Movie: Arachnophobia
Imdb/rottentomatoes link: m.imdb.com/title/tt0099052/
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Reactions: FiyiK
Movie: An Officer and a Spy (2019) J'accuse (original title)

Series: Your Honor (2020)

Movie: Run (2020)

Movie: Wake in Freight (1971)
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Reactions: FiyiK
Series: The Good Lord Bird
Episode or Season: Season 1
Year: 2020
link: rottentomatoes.com/tv/the_good_lord_bird
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Reactions: FiyiK
Series Name : The Expanse
Language: English
Subtitle :
Episode or Season : Seasons 05 episode 07

Seems to have been missed, because s05e08 and s05e09 are uploaded
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Reactions: FiyiK
Series Name : Billions
Language: English
Subtitle :
Episode or Season : Seasons 05 episode 07

Also missing, last episode of the season
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Reactions: FiyiK
Announcement for VOD content.

I am happy to announce that we will expand our VOD list and add more categories like movies & series to the following countries -> Poland, Germany, Netherlands and maybe more in the near future.
Be aware that only " original content " will be added. Feel free to request series or movies which is originally distributed in your country.

To be clear, voice-overs won't be added. Reason for that is simple: overloading servers.
Let me explain:

As you know, we already have tons of movies & series available in English audio. These content have subtitles included, some have a lot, some have less. This depends on the subtitle community's (we are not translators), that is why some content has subtitles in your language, some may not have it. To clarify, we always get all "available" subtitles. Our focus is to deliver content which can be enjoyed by everyone. This way all users can benefit using VOD content.

We are aware that some countries are used to voice overs in VOD content, but if we duplicate all content in Polish, German, Turkish etc. Our servers will get overloaded which will result high likely in freezing and buffering issues, because that is "terabytes" of data which will be added to the servers. Kindly watch content with subtitles so we have space to innovate and add more content for everyone in a stable way.

Thank you