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Movie: Raise the Titanic
Language: English
Year: 1980
IMDB: Raise the Titanic (1980) - IMDb

Movie: A Night to Remember
Language: English
Year: 1958
IMDB: A Night to Remember (1958) - IMDb

Movie: Titanic
Language: English
Year: 1953
IMDB: Titanic (1953) - IMDb

Movie: Animal Farm
Language: English
Year: 1999
IMDB: Animal Farm (TV Movie 1999) - IMDb

Movie: Demetrius and the Gladiators
Language: English
Year: 1954
IMDB: Demetrius and the Gladiators (1954) - IMDb

Movie: King of Kings
Language: English
Year: 1961
IMDB: King of Kings (1961) - IMDb

Movie: The Song of Bernadette
Language: English
Year: 1943
IMDB: The Song of Bernadette (1943) - IMDb

Movie: Ben Hur
Language: English
Year: 1959
IMDB: Ben-Hur (1959) - IMDb

Movie: Joseph: King of Dreams
Language: English
Year: 2000
IMDB: Joseph: King of Dreams (Video 2000) - IMDb

Movie: The Prince of Egypt
Language: English
Year: 1998
IMDB: The Prince of Egypt (1998) - IMDb

Movie: David and Goliath
Language: English
Year: 2015
IMDB: David and Goliath (2015) - IMDb

Movie: The Egyptian
Language: English
Year: 1954
IMDB: The Egyptian (1954) - IMDb