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Thank you for a great work! It really works like a charm. Could you please check the swedish channels Disney junior it's pointing att finnish Disney junior and also C more stars HD it's not working at all.

Thanks //Benny
Could you please check the swedish channels Disney junior it's pointing att finnish Disney junior and also C more stars HD it's not working at all.

Thanks //Benny

Thanks for feedback. Yes, Disney Junior has finnish language guide, because http://dagenstv.com do not have guide to Disney Junior - while this guide is pointless because channel is wrong in this place. C More Stars UHD SE has also finnish guide, i change this to swedish language. If you do not see this guide then report me in private conversation and lets find why.

In C More Stars HD SE place is wrong channel.
Could you please check the swedish channels Disney junior it's pointing att finnish Disney junior and also C more stars HD it's not working at all.

Thanks //Benny

Thanks for feedback. Yes, Disney Junior has finnish language guide, because http://dagenstv.com do not have guide to Disney Junior - while this guide is pointless because channel is wrong in this place. C More Stars UHD SE has also finnish guide, i change this to swedish language. If you do not see this guide then report me in private conversation and lets find why.

In C More Stars HD SE place is wrong channel.

Thats right there is two streams on C more Stars, one is pointing at TV2 sport... But at the UHD stream now we have it in swedish language great work @esitiptv thank you.
I think the only source for Disney junior SE is " disneyplayhouse.se" is it possible to point it at that source?

Really apriciate all of your support and hard work!
@estiptvnet is it possible to add turkish eog?
Hi, in long term plans certainly. In right now i work with Ex-YU and this is complicated and will take very long time. 4-5 countries channels in one group and if you do not speak the language then is difficult to distinguish between them.
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Good morning guys,

i have some questions about (these) epgs. Or more to say, its not all clear for me. (i dont find anywhere clear informations to that, if this is somewhere written you can tel me where and i will read about it)

- In most apps i can give the URL for the playlist and one url for the epg. When i have a playlist from rapid clientportal..... i dont need epg ressources from rapid? i can choose a egp url from anywhere? is that correct? so epg dont depends on the playlist url?

- in these url's which were posted here are different epgs for different countries, so in the apps i have just the opportunities to fill in one url. so i can in this example give him the epg url for germany and the other countries wont work?

- what about smart iptv i give over sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN ******* my playlist , how can i give a smart tv a different epg?

- and how about mag devices? can i give them different epgs?

- some of my colleges they are using perfect player and some are using mag devices both say that the epgs from rapid are acutally not working, have you guys news if they are not working actually? are their informations from rapid that something changed?

- and my last question ;) :) my german select epgs were always wrong, is their anywhere epg with correct sky select?

Thanks to all
Good morning guys,

i have some questions about (these) epgs. Or more to say, its not all clear for me. (i dont find anywhere clear informations to that, if this is somewhere written you can tel me where and i will read about it)

- In most apps i can give the URL for the playlist and one url for the epg. When i have a playlist from rapid clientportal..... i dont need epg ressources from rapid? i can choose a egp url from anywhere? is that correct? so epg dont depends on the playlist url?

- in these url's which were posted here are different epgs for different countries, so in the apps i have just the opportunities to fill in one url. so i can in this example give him the epg url for germany and the other countries wont work?

- what about smart iptv i give over sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN ******* my playlist , how can i give a smart tv a different epg?

- and how about mag devices? can i give them different epgs?

- some of my colleges they are using perfect player and some are using mag devices both say that the epgs from rapid are acutally not working, have you guys news if they are not working actually? are their informations from rapid that something changed?

- and my last question ;) :) my german select epgs were always wrong, is their anywhere epg with correct sky select?

Thanks to all

- In the apps that you can put different EPG url you can pick any EPG url,yes but the epg id needs to be the same in the epg file and M3u file. And the best way to do it is with xtream editor (by @goxa).
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="Sky Select DE" tvg-name="Sky Select 1 VIP DE" tvg-logo="http://secure.clientportal.link/picons/skyselect.png" group-title="VIP DE",Sky Select 1 VIP DE

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="SkySelect.de" tvg-name="Sky Select DE" tvg-logo="http://secure.clientportal.link/picons/skyselect.png" group-title="Germany" parent-code="" tvg-shift="+1",Sky Select DE

In order for the epg to appear in an m3u file you need to use the file of m3u with options or "&m3u_plus". :)

- EPG file can have one country or multiple countries, so or you choose a complete file with lots of countries or you join the files yourself, so that you have germany and all the countries you want.

- For smart iptv app it uses it's own epg and you cannot add a different epg link. The accuracy of the epg depends of how similar the channel names and the epgs ids are to there system (http://sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN *******/codes/)

- For Mag Devices the EPG is from the provider in their Portal. So i do not think it is possible to use a different EPG link.

- Rapid's Epg goes offline sometimes so it might be rapdis epg link offline. If their epg is offline, no EPG for MAG and no epg for link devices. Though it will work on smart iptv and also with xtream editor because both use their own EPG.

- For your last question, i do not have the answer, but i think it is a matter of you searching the right sources and having the right epg id.

I hope it helps :)
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Good morning guys,

i have some questions about (these) epgs. Or more to say, its not all clear for me. (i dont find anywhere clear informations to that, if this is somewhere written you can tel me where and i will read about it)

- In most apps i can give the URL for the playlist and one url for the epg. When i have a playlist from rapid clientportal..... i dont need epg ressources from rapid? i can choose a egp url from anywhere? is that correct? so epg dont depends on the playlist url?

- in these url's which were posted here are different epgs for different countries, so in the apps i have just the opportunities to fill in one url. so i can in this example give him the epg url for germany and the other countries wont work?

- what about smart iptv i give over sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN ******* my playlist , how can i give a smart tv a different epg?

- and how about mag devices? can i give them different epgs?

- some of my colleges they are using perfect player and some are using mag devices both say that the epgs from rapid are acutally not working, have you guys news if they are not working actually? are their informations from rapid that something changed?

- and my last question ;) :) my german select epgs were always wrong, is their anywhere epg with correct sky select?

Thanks to all

- In the apps that you can put different EPG url you can pick any EPG url,yes but the epg id needs to be the same in the epg file and M3u file. And the best way to do it is with xtream editor (by @goxa).
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="Sky Select DE" tvg-name="Sky Select 1 VIP DE" tvg-logo="http://secure.clientportal.link/picons/skyselect.png" group-title="VIP DE",Sky Select 1 VIP DE

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="SkySelect.de" tvg-name="Sky Select DE" tvg-logo="http://secure.clientportal.link/picons/skyselect.png" group-title="Germany" parent-code="" tvg-shift="+1",Sky Select DE

In order for the epg to appear in an m3u file you need to use the file of m3u with options or "&m3u_plus". :)

- EPG file can have one country or multiple countries, so or you choose a complete file with lots of countries or you join the files yourself, so that you have germany and all the countries you want.

- For smart iptv app it uses it's own epg and you cannot add a different epg link. The accuracy of the epg depends of how similar the channel names and the epgs ids are to there system (http://sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN *******/codes/)

- For Mag Devices the EPG is from the provider in their Portal. So i do not think it is possible to use a different EPG link.

- Rapid's Epg goes offline sometimes so it might be rapdis epg link offline. If their epg is offline, no EPG for MAG and no epg for link devices. Though it will work on smart iptv and also with xtream editor because both use their own EPG.

- For your last question, i do not have the answer, but i think it is a matter of you searching the right sources and having the right epg id.

I hope it helps :)

Wow, thats a good exlanation thanks a lot to that, now im at work but later i will try these things out :)
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Hey estiptvnet. A bunch of latin america channels were added today. Do any of your guides already cover these channels or is this something you have to work on. Thanks.
Not yet. I have to look guide for them.
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Good morning guys,

i have some questions about (these) epgs. Or more to say, its not all clear for me. (i dont find anywhere clear informations to that, if this is somewhere written you can tel me where and i will read about it) Thanks to all

For my EPG you do not need to change anything, just put the link to your player and enjoy. But those is only for PC and Android players, not Smart TV and MAG devices.

If the guide is wrong in your devices, then maybe you have to change the time offset. Some old player cant change offset automatically.
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