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Well it's a lot faster than loading the m3u file that's for sure! Pm me if you need help

Have a Mag322 with an old provider.
Ended up getting blocked and used no block.
Did an optional harder reset to bring up the three consecutive flashes and reload factory image.
Box has been updated to July 2019 image, loaded rapid url from my reseller and rebooted.
Everything looks great except when watching a channel, the screen will flash for a second, go blank, then a blue bar appears and the channel returns...
Any idea on how to solve the flashing?


have you tried flashing another no block .. there´s a few about some better than others..

If you press App on your remote while program is onscreen you should get a soundtrack and subtitle menu which allows you to select your preferred language I'm new to MAG but have a 424 and that's where I see them. Hope this helps
Hi, I have correvtly entered my MAC number and connected to the internet via ethernet but I am unable to connect to the portal and recieve a page loading error. I have the MAG322w1 model and the 2.20.10r2-322 version.
Load the m3u through the IPTV app on the main screen, it's a little clunkier, but it will probably work so that you can see channels, I think that the problem may have something to do with the version of Ministra (informir's middleware) making it incompatible with Rapid
I was looking for new portals becuase currently all of my channels are bufferring and the provider says that he has no way to fix it as it is done by the internet company (Virgin Media, UK). Is this a widely reported problem or could the issue be something else?
If you are using this service and if VM are throttling your speed, install the VPN from the Dashboard, then re-start your SuperHub. I left VM after 20 years because of problems with streaming and downloading, they claim they don't do Traffic Management anymore, but read the small print. If you use another provider you need to get a quality VPN from somewhere and don't run your service without it.